Gave up? I’m still watching all the spinoffs
Gave up? I’m still watching all the spinoffs
That part where you say “people enjoy making the process worse”, seems unlikely to me. When people make stuff like this, I kind of doubt anyone is sitting there thinking “Mwhahaa these little bitches are gonna hate this!”
Like, I get it. This would probably piss me off as an applicant too. But ultimately, the goal is to hire someone. Initial phone interviews are all the same. They last like 10 or 15 minutes even with a human on the line, and they’re just looking for basic qualifications. So I also see from the hiring perspective how this could be useful. It’s meant as a baseline filter.
It might be a step in the right direction but it sounds like it’s not ready yet.
I updooted. Things were said.
Honestly, everything about looking for jobs and filling open positions sucks. If AI can make the process better then I’m for it.
There’s an open source community version of dungeon keeper. I’ve never played it but thought I’d mention it https://keeperfx.net/
I can’t stop thinking of that rocket hamburger boy from Austin Powers
I’m asking why Texas can’t be it’s own country, similarly to how Ukraine is it’s own country, and how Taiwan is kind of it’s own country. They’re all in different situations which makes comparison an interesting exercise. I don’t know the full history of any of them and I am asking out of curiosity.
Don’t cite the dark magic to me. I was there when the ken burns documentary was written.
Honest question, why are Ukraine and Taiwan allowed to be their own countries but Texas is not?
Autofs works with sshfs. I use it for mounting anything over a network. It automounts on demand and disconnects a mount after a period of inactivity.
Everything is an interpretation. The concept of color doesn’t even exist outside of our brains.
This is definitely misleading. It’s a time series chart with arbitrary data points just casually missing.
Ain’t nobody got time for being on death row for 20 years
I use porkbun and ddclient (https://ddclient.net/). Not sure if that helps you or not but there it is
This gave me a boner
(I am OP had to create a new account because apparently my other instance is de federated from lemmy.ml)
Why are you using ZFS on a single drive?
TL;DR: life happens.
It’s a small homelab. I had grand plans to add another one for a mirror. Had a baby, didn’t get to it. etc etc.
Do you actually have enough memory to handle ZFS?
This host has 32GB.
Is the memory ECC?
No, it is not ECC
Is the disk connected to a RAID controller?
Sweet fuck the cookie menu was too much so I bailed