Add a CRT with a GameCube and a couple of madcatz controllers.
Add a CRT with a GameCube and a couple of madcatz controllers.
Likewise, have a great day.
I’ve actually been quite clear in the definition of life span I’m using. You appear to be intentionally misunderstanding my point.
The limits of the life span of each species appear to be determined ultimately by heredity. Locked within the code of the genetic material are instructions that specify the age beyond which a species cannot live given even the most favourable conditions.
Can you at least be consistent in your argument? On the one hand, you say that a species’ lifespan in captivity can’t be an indicator of their natural lifespan, because they wouldn’t survive as long in the wild. On the other hand, you say that a livestock species’ lifespan is dictated by when humans choose to slaughter them. Can you explain how these arguments don’t contradict each other?
I’m happy to engage in a good faith conversation with you on this if you’re interested.
Kind of a moot point since dairy cows, like the majority of animals raised for food, are man-made breeds and wouldn’t exist in the wild anyway. But you knew I meant when I said natural lifespan, as in how long they’d live if they weren’t killed as juveniles.
Tale as old as time.
Yes, thank you for making my point! When compared to the same animals living out their natural lives in a sanctuary, they’re only kept alive for a miniscule fraction of the time:
And looking at the conditions a vast majority of these animals are raised in, it’s hard to argue we’re doing them any favors.
Not breeding them into existence just to kill them at a fraction of their natural lifespan is much better.
Subjugate, exploit, confine against their will… We can argue semantics all day but the result is the same.
Do you base your moral code on what animals do to each other? That would allow a lot of fucked up things.
In many ways, no they’re not. The average chicken/pig/cow isn’t on the same intelligence level as the average human, for instance.
That being said, you’re not going to convince me that those differences are great enough to justify enslaving and killing them by the billions when alternatives exist.
Why is the Statue of Liberty making what is clearly just an awkward hand gesture and nothing more?
We’re spending so much media attention on this Nazi salute that I’m wondering if it may have been the intent all along - tie up media coverage while the Trump administration pushes harmful legislation through under the radar.
Birth control pills.
We embraced fascism in the US with open arms, but hey, at least we didn’t have to pick the lesser of two evils! Great job everyone…
Like a puzzle box you need to solve to get to the vagina?
For sure. Also with all the rumored Microsoft support, an Age of Empires/Mythology collection would be a no-brainer.
Agreed. Glad to see he seems to be doing well and has an album coming out with his new band next month!
The three levels of bread baking:
I make this bread the same way every time and it comes out great!
I don’t think I got a good crumb on this one. Maybe I overproofed? I really need a longer autolyze. I should really get a proofing drawer. Maybe I should start using the tangzhong method. Am I scoring too deep?
I make this bread the same way every time and it comes out great!
They’re settling into those accusations of being state-affiliated media.