this is such insane propoganda I can’t believe people still believe this. Obviously autism caused pluto
this is such insane propoganda I can’t believe people still believe this. Obviously autism caused pluto
yup, definitely a weird choice for grouping but also not random
oh this is about bosses in the video game industry not bosses from video games
i put Arcane Battery on her and using only her 2, gives her 700+ energy, which is more than enough for her to use and also triggers the purple archon shards bonus crit chance
it seems like the primary concern of the article is the waste from producing it, not its usage
Ah rip i knew i should have looked it up instead of relying on my memory, thanks.
AD is Anno Domini, “In The Year Of Our Lord” which is why it (is supposed to) start at the Birth of Jesus. The monk did get his dates wrong and Jesus was actually born in like 3~4 AD
they also make cameras for adults without phones on them
deck the halls
I don’t think that’s AI
that’s what I was told
do you think that a half dozen lemmy users are capable of changing the voting system?
there have been some initiatives passed in some states, but thats only half the election. And the people in power benefit from a first past the post voting system, so transitioning out is slow work. It is possible, and it is happening, but there’s not a magic button that says “swap to superior voting method” that a single socialist can press
we don’t know the authors age, I had recess up to the sixth grade and this would be well within my skill level at that age
phase 2 armor wasn’t used at the Battle of Geonosis
they exist, but the electoral system is designed to keep them from gaining power. And since (most) states use first past the post, secondary preferences aren’t taken into account, so if you vote third party when you would have voted for Harris otherwise you increase Trumps chance of winning. There’s some argument to be made that voting third party or not voting might influence democrats in the future to change their policy to appeal to those voters but I don’t know how realistic that is.
Wizards First Rule is Goodkind not Brooks, Brooks wrote Shanarra
with that helmet it looks like you survived a little more than just Geonosis
correction: UrFiNaLIY hEaR is said before the boss says it
I’ll throw in my most recent guilty pleasure is Space Battleship Yamato. I didn’t grow up with the original so I’m currently re-watching the 2012 remake. But for fun at the start I watched episode one of the original Yamato, Star Blazers (70s American localization) and the remake in the same day just to compare, which was a cooler experience than I expected it to be.
Great show if you think One Punch Man would be better if Saitama was a spaceship
I always see white and gold I’ve never been able to see black and blue