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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2020


  • English is not my first language. My original language has a true neutral pronoun applicable to all and the correct usage of they still confuses me when I type in English. I’m sorry for that.

    That’s okay, I figured you weren’t doing it to be malicious. I appreciate you correcting it.

    You’re using me as a strawman to vent your argument and frustrations with an entire community. Please leave me alone.

    I am not. I admit I am getting frustrated, but I responded to you because you specifically were being ableist. I replied to you because I hoped you might reflect on how your behavior is making a hostile environment for disabled people.

  • “They” and “she” are not interchangeable, please edit your comment and fix your misgendering.

    I was there for that massive argument, and it was not how you are making it out to be. It wasn’t just her who was aggrieved by the Covid denialism festering in this community, several of us called it out for what it is, ableism. The same topic on discussion here. In fact, many of the anti-masking comments then were removed after a while, so clearly she was “taken seriously” and the consensus wasn’t so one-sided as you imply. In any case it’s not really relevant. You are seeing a disabled person talk about ableism among people who should be her comrades, in a thread about ableism from communists, using the most clear and obvious example of ableism and eugenicist behavior by communists. And your response is to paint her as an overly-emotional troll and accuse her of virtue signaling? To ignore what people are saying and deflect? To call other users who point out your personal ableist language sockpuppets? You are actively showing why these comments are made to begin with, why people have reached such a level of frustration. You are part of the problem that turns a community that should be clearly hostile towards ableism instead into spaces that are clearly hostile towards disabled people.

  • It isn’t bait. I believe her point is that it’s easy for communists to claim to be against eugenics and ableism, but in practice many of us are failing to live up to our claims. The Covid pandemic and masking is brought up because it is a major example of this. It is an enormous threat particularly to disabled people, and yet in practice most of the left is, by virtue of their actions, siding with the ableists and the eugenicists. DeadlyBunny was revealing this as well, it’s all well and good if we say we are against ableism, but if we are using ableist language, then it shows a lack of solidarity that puts off the disabled people we should be working with. If we talk the talk, we gotta walk the walk, you know?

    And sure, maybe they should have reported those comments, but I mean, any of us could have and apparently none of us did. And rather than accept their accurate criticism of our behavior and reflect, they were spammed with downvotes and their criticisms were deflected. What does that say to our would-be disabled comrades? From my view, it says “shut up and get in line.” Who would stand side by side with people like that?

  • And what other people count as ‘not a spoiler’ is often very, very misjudged.

    I feel this, my friend tends to tell me about stuff they like that I haven’t seen/read/played/etc. and is very relaxed about what they consider spoilers. Thankfully our tastes don’t overlap much so it’s usually not a problem, but occasionally they’ll start talking about something I’m interested in and I have to be like, wait please don’t lol. I always feel a little bad for it because I’m glad they want to share their interests with me, but I’m so picky about spoilers and if I don’t stop them then they will say something I don’t want to hear…

  • Used a sick day to get out of work. I do not have the energy to put up with the holiday rush lol. I don’t know what the plan is for the rest of the day now, maybe read some more? I started The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome on my way home last night, so maybe I’ll get comfy and read the next chapter of that. I’ve been meaning to watch Nosferatu as well, so maybe it’s time for that. I don’t really know anything about the movie other than the fact that it’s an old vampire movie, so hopefully it’ll be interesting.

    Do you all prefer to go into media blind, or do you prefer to know what you are getting into? Personally, I like going in knowing as little as possible, but for movies/shows I sometimes end up learning a lot before watching anyways, because I like to watch with my wife if she’s interested, but she can’t watch really violent stuff and unfortunately there is a lot of that out there.

  • I’m finishing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow probably either tonight or tomorrow, another really fun game! I don’t know if I like it more or less than Symphony of the Night yet. I think it did some stuff better, like I think the soul system is a lot more enjoyable than having to hunt around the castle for sub-weapons if you want a specific one. I like that there’s more types of weapons too, but I ended up just using the normal swords the whole time because I liked being able to cancel the attack by landing too much lol.

    I’m not sure what’s next yet! I really wanted to play Dark Souls II, but I’d like to play the vanilla version, and I don’t have $40 to spend on a game right now. I’d usually just pirate it, but I want to be able to play online too so I guess I have to be patient. Hopefully it goes on sale sometime soon. Otherwise I don’t have anything specific in mind. Maybe I can finally get around to Final Fantasy VI? I’ve been wanting to give Metal Gear Solid 2 another try as well now that I can emulate the PS3 version.