so about that ceasefire?
Didn’t he not swear on the bible, have multiple affairs and regularly fuck over (and murder) thy neighbor?
When is a prison camp not a prison camp? When it’s run by the USA! 🥴
They mispelled suicidal
They’re really trying to kill off all the poor huh
Given that they’re yet to show real humanoid robots that can do anything remotely near what they’re claiming, I’m gonna hit X to doubt that the serial liars are telling the truth. Maybe they think they are but they’re not.
It might just be something to do with my phone but no matter what I did or which app I used, I could never get matrix notifications to work properly
This is the Bibby Stockholm all over again
I’ve been enjoying my modded Casio W-800H for the last few years. It’s a nice sweetspot where it’s cheap enough that I don’t need to worry about it but it has the features I want (namely a countdown timer).
I’m personally very excited for Forgejo to get federation between self-hosted git forges
I think that for every bomb dropped elsewhere in the world on civilians, they should have to bomb Washington DC. It’s only fair
How stupid are they? 1) Economic growth is not what we need, we need to tax the shit out of billionaires to give people housing, food and healthcare. 2) Economic growth means sweet fuck all when our towns are flooded, crops fail and people burn alive in their homes.
If those areas are protected then it’s a no brainer to ban destroying them, no?
Now why would you hope that?
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All I’ve seen is “differences in opinion” but no one actually saying what they disagree over? Seems like a lot of drama over nothing from my perspective?
Instead of not spending money on turning kids into skeletons, they just chose to try and hide how much money they spend doing it
Just one more lane will fix it all I’m sure
Isn’t this a classic case of too little, too late?