If it’s raw data, like for data entry I pronounce it like data but if it’s part of another word like database I pronounce it like data. Also, if it’s the name of an android I pronounce it like Data.
Dick Grayson probably has the link
Been rocking a pine time for a year or so, it just keeps getting better and it’s insanely cheap.
It’s not just the zoomers
This is highly misleading, some walls just have cellulose and it tastes horrible.
I just use a domain for minetest/mineclone for my kids and I to play anywhere in the world, I still get random calls from call centers asking if I need help designing my website. Took me way to long to realize I’m supposed to mark the site as personal at the registrar.
Well that’s a shocker
They’re adding ‘AI’ to notepad…I hope they all touch wet food from the sink.
Felt it in Charlestown, thought a big truck or compactor got too close to the building or something.
According to these guys the opposite is true.
Probably because you can donate plasma more often so even though you’re getting your cells back more volume of PFAS is removed overall.
It does have some nice backend
This is clearly just a roman jumping jack
Huh…maybe i’ll go to the state fair after all…
Wait, am I supposed to use Microsoft 365 Copilot Office Live Premium Pro Clippy Edition (new) or Microsoft 365 Copilot Office Live Premium Pro Clippy Edition? They’re both installed…
I’m so fucking stoked, remake was a blast and I’ve heard this had some QoL improvements.
Imma binge watch FFVII machinabriged again to get warmed up.
I wasn’t going to get a switch 2 before this announcement but now they’ve got me pegged.
I too choose this person’s wife’s eye