A healthcare reform will need to be passed by congress. The president has no control over that.
A healthcare reform will need to be passed by congress. The president has no control over that.
The cable is only rated for so much power, which could be too much for double 8 pins. Having two operated cables ensures it can handle the load.
I personally used a single cable that carried double 8 pin. At some point, I had issues with my system crashing under GPU load. After investigating, I found that the GPU wasn’t getting the power it needed from the PSU. Looking at the cable, it had started to melt the plastic with the connector in the PSU. I replaced the cable and it was fine, but now I only use one cable per 8 pin connector.
I’ve had games where it can take a few tries to get into it. Some of them have ended up being my favorite games.
Started playing Horizon Forbidden West again on my Christmas vacation. I put it down after completing the first area, but have some renewed interest.
I am also finishing up Death’s Door on my Steam Deck, which is a great little game.
I am also going to try something I did in the past to help get me through some games. I’m going to set a goal of completing 2 games a month. The biggest issue in the past was not putting down games that weren’t interesting me enough. I have the free time, just need that extra motivation.
How does one build up a tolerance on the other end?
I understand the overlords have requested this guy get every charge and penalty that he can, but they have to understand that the general population sympathizes with him on some level.
There are quite a few shakeups for next year already. I do not think drivers will change as much for 2026 because of the major rule changes.
I would say its still open source. There is no requirement to be able to contribute modifications back. It is more about the availability of the code and what you can do with it.
+1 Loved every time I learned a new mechanic through the game.
US Agencies and companies do not care when propaganda comes from within, only outside.
It’s a consistent issue for Microsoft releases. You would think a company that sells cloud services would be capable of having a smooth launch.
My left bumper stopped working consistently on mine. I never have issues with my other controllers.
I can’t disagree with point 1 or 2. My biggest issue with Sony releasing games on PC has been recent. Trying to force their login is stupid. It doesn’t work for people not in their target regions. I’m not one of those affected people. I would also prefer if they would reduce the delay porting from console, but at least the ports are usually well done.
I’ll be honest, I was in favor of Microsoft acquiring ActiBlizzKing. I didn’t have faith in the existing leadership and Microsoft has mostly taken a hands off approach with its developers. Since the acquisition, things have been mostly OK, at least on the Blizzard side. The biggest issue I have seen has been increased monetization, especially for WoW and D4. Not game ruining, but concerning.
For this acquisition, FROM doesn’t appear to have management issues. I also do not like the direction Sony has been taking things, especially with their PC releases. They are also the market leader on Consoles, so I do not see this as required to stay competitive.
This feels way too expensive for what is a dumbed down device. Maybe $50-$100, but you would still end up paying quite a bit for something that requires a subscription.
For the price they are asking, you could get a desktop with OK performance that will be free forever after that.
I’m excited to try this. I am waiting for reviews of how it runs on Linux and a small discount before I pick it up.
Sony is already beating MS. We do not need more consolidation of companies.
Please no.
I think it will be difficult. They may be the largest competitor to Windows, but still just a small market share.
I do think it’s funny when people hate the way Microsoft has directed Windows when Apple is way worse.
I feel the someway about people who say “I’m moving to Linux after W10 support ends”.
I think it takes one of two things for people to move.
In my case, I swapped back 3 years ago when ads appeared in explorer for a preview version. In combination with the work the community had done for Valve to consider the steam deck worth selling with Linux, I was confident enough that I could have a good enough experience with Linux.