Yes, but a functioning democratic system does not allow that.
Any power tripping person could overthrow a country for different reasons (like Hitler for example)
Yes, but a functioning democratic system does not allow that.
Any power tripping person could overthrow a country for different reasons (like Hitler for example)
I like to blame capitalism for everything, too, but this has nothing to do with capitalism. Just the US Democracy not being a Democracy
Belgian beer is sooo good, but your local (southern) german beer is always better
Yeah “open source”… The app doesn’t even have the source code…
Whats wrong with docker?
Passt schon. Ich hab bei der Antwort auch den letzten Satz übersehen, da macht mein Kommentar auch wenig Sinn. Ich wollte eher rüberbringen, dass man für ein Verbot auch Beweise liefern muss (hast du ja vielleicht gemacht)
Naja da hat diese Person schon recht. Ich weiß ja nicht, wie deine Email formuliert war, aber nur weil eine Partei dir nicht gefällt, kann sie nicht verboten werden. Da muss man schon Beweise mitgeben, dass diese der Demokratie schaden will
Does nvidia-smi work on the host? Does nvidia-smi work in the container (docker exec <container_id> nvidia-smi)?
Da sieht ja Krombacher ähnlicher aus
Uhm aktshually 🤓 utf-8 is an encoding, you mean Unicode.
If it is so important for you to pay in cash, I can’t help sorry. But I still suggest opening an account (not even hard to find a free one) just for this one transfer
Ist is a very sketchy question. It is made hard/not possible for very obvious reasons. You can make an account in Germany without being a resident, better try this
Join Schengen! It’s easy, unless Austria abuses it’s Veto rights
Der Typ will mit niemanden zusammen arbeiten. Sein Ziel ist einfach eine alleinige Mehrheit. Lächerlich
Woah an was für einer Uni bist du denn? Ich zahl 140€
I will just host a matrix instance. Decentralization is the future.
Also, why don’t they realize that avoiding chat control is soo easy. Unless it isn’t actually meant to prevent crimes
Here is an interesting article on how stupid the chat control is. It’s in German, but probably easy to translate.
Vor Legalisierung: Um die 80% Konsum Delikte Nach Legalisierung: Um die 80% weniger Straftaten Da muss man jetzt scharf nachdenken
My jellyflin server is really stable and everything works great, but the “official” clients are really not great. I also had issues with subtitles on Android TV. If the subtitles are so important better find a third party client. Maybe you can use transcoding to fix the subtitles. There are some options, but I never touched them
Why are these apps getting hacked? Wouldn’t just RSA 2048 be enough?
Thanks to climate change the temperature doesn’t drop that low anymore. This is way more efficient than road salt Greetings from Germany