No no no, thank you
No no no, thank you
No matter how advanced an AI is I can never get past the idea that there is no soul behind it. I couldn’t be bothered to care about the characters in a story. Imagine an animated movie where the script is AI, the art is AI, and the voice acting is AI. What am I supposed to care about when I watch it? How awesome the technology is while thinking about the people that got replaced so some even more underpaid “prompt engineer” can type out a few sentences on a laptop?
Until AI gains sentience, it’s just a bunch of output from a fancy calculator. And that’s so far off into the future I doubt any of us will be alive to see it.
I also like to tell people I have read only access to their files. Makes them feel more comfortable.
But to be fair it’s literally a part of my job and i say it so my tech illiterate coworkers don’t have a panic attack when i need to remote into their computer. I’m not trying to destroy the company I work for like these guys, I’m just saying it’s bullshit.
I do feel for these people, but at the same time I’m like “oh no he’s doing that thing we were warned about.” Like, literally everyone said something like this was going to happen yet a portion of that community decided to ignore it. I understand that Kamala was awful on this issue, but you can’t blame it all on her. I wish the world wasn’t as fucked up as it is just like everyone else. It’s like the Trolly problem and y’all decided not to flip the switch because both choices were gonna kill people and you wanted a choice where nobody died even though that choice didn’t exist.
I find it very on brand for these guys to simultaneously piss off Jewish people and Palestinians within just a couple weeks.
Hopefully next time they don’t do it on a weekday. I’m too poor to skip work but really wanted to participate.
All I know is that I have a flight for work in a couple weeks and if shit keeps going this way I’m fucking driving, even if I have to leave a day early.
When people bitch about DEI hiring giving all the good jobs to unqualified people based on their skin color and genitals, the only thing that comes to mind is how many white men get jobs for the exact same reason they’re bitching about. If this was about competence you wouldn’t even need to mention what race or gender someone is.
They’re making sure the system works for when they need to hit it for real. Just like all the other social media platforms that “accidentally” censored anything that wasn’t pro Trump.
Well, the NFL did it. They ended racism.
I did my taxes the day I got my tax forms because I’m afraid Elon Musk is gonna determine that tax refunds from last year are not “efficient.”
My return was only like $300, but imma need all I can get with how things are going.
I won’t deny that it was a stupid move by the dems, but at the same time choosing to abstain from one of the most important elections in US history because you don’t want to choose between the lesser of two evils is just naive. Life is literally full of choosing between the lesser of two evils, inside and outside of politics. And I understand that the situation in Gaza is fucked up, but I also know that by abstaining it only made the situation worse. I know its not 100% their fault as there were many factors that led to Trump winning, but I personally don’t think betting with other people’s lives is altruistic. I think it’s selfish.
I totally feel you but for a different reason. I played Balatro for a few days and literally the only thing Steam recommended to me for over a month was just card based rogue-like games.
Also I recommend the one by RTGame. Probably my favorite streamer. He’s Irish so I never catch the streams but the YouTube videos are great.
Sony being the majority shareholder of From Software is working out just as well as I expected…
Everyone always praises 3 but I grew up playing 2. I have nothing against HoMM 3 and enjoy it quite a bit, I just prefer HoMM 2 when I wanna get that nostalgia kick.
Still, amazing games.
Honestly with how Futurama went with their reboot, my expectations are extremely low.
Can’t hide what we see. It’s the middle of February in the mountains and I’m outside in a T-shirt. Usually it’s in the single digits or negatives. Haven’t even had snow in weeks.
I have to use starlink because my only other option is spotty internet for twice the price, a quarter the speed, and a mountain of technical issues owned by a monopoly I’m my area. But to be fair I got starlink years ago before shit turned into… This.
I live in the mountains where it’s usually snowing and freezing this time of year. This last week has been basically t-shirt weather. 45°F in the morning and don’t even have to scrap ice off my windshield in fucking February.