The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2021


  • Saw a clip of ol Neil coming along and saying that Mount Everest wasn’t the highest point on Earth to a physicist because of the equatorial bulge and “sea level” not mattering to physicists.

    Yeah sure just blatantly disregard the entire human perspective of the world and how we as people relate to it to say make up some dumb “gotcha haha” to sound smart.

    So many people, him specifically, are incapable of framing things in a non dismissive way. It could have been an interesting point or piece of information about how how large the equatorial bulge is, but he’d rather come off as an insufferable nerd. nerd

  • Religious books are not banned. There are millions of christians in China. There are millions of Muslims in China. Reducing hours of video game playing could greatly assist with insane amount of hours that come with game addiction. It probably needs workshopped more but I personally think this change in coordination with providing youth with solid after school programs and activities would be good for long-term health and well being. That TikTok thing is BS. People in China watch just as much brainrot on douyin. Winnie the Pooh is beloved by people in China. Literally go around for five minutes and you’ll see his face plastered on shirts bags and as stuffed animals. As for the companies, this is good if true. Fuck companies doing whatever they want and hurting people. I hope they continue to have significant government oversight.

    Xinjiang is a more complex situation but if you look into it all accusations of genocide come from one source, Adrian Zens. He’s a CIA asset who claims god revealed to him that it’s his mission to destroy China. I’m gonna listen to the Muslim countries (and the UN) that came and inspected the region and said nah it’s chill.

    Have you ever talked to someone from there? I have and just asking them about this shit is really useful for learning that 80 percent of this stuff is untrue, and 20 percent is misconstrued.

    That’s the thing, if a lie is a big as the ones you present here, everyone would know. Yet here we are and the average person from china will complain about a lot of things but never the things you brought up here.

  • Other people have tried gum and not had it help them. I find it pretty helpful for me so far. I’m now two weeks in and I only chew 2 pieces a day now. Only have it when smelling others’ cigarette smoke triggers my cravings. Overall, I’m gonna try to quit the gum by the end of next week.

    I will note that I seem to have way easier of a time with nicotine withdrawal than other people I’ve talked to.