Oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer
This is where we solicit your opinions, how does our community feel?
In the immortal words of Bishop Bullwinkle: Hell naw, to the naw, naw, naw
For anyone getting hit with the Washington Post paywall: https://archive.ph/jrlIP
You’re more than welcome to post on shitty food porn. There’s not a lot of activity and the votes will let you know if it’s the right place (I don’t remove posts unless they’re breaking rules). It kind of has two interpretations - pictures of shitty food (self explanatory) or food porn that’s shitty (ie bad lighting, bad presentation, etc).
Or let me know if you start an “average food porn” community and I’m more than happy to link it in the sidebar of SFP.
Thanks! I’ll try converting the file format and see if that’ll work. I successfully uploaded a JPEG last night, so maybe it just doesn’t like PNG files anymore 🤷♂️
There seems to be an issue with uploading large images. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed it but I’m getting the error when trying to upload wallpapers to /c/wallpapers. I think it might be related to file size? Or maybe file format? It’s a 13MB .png file. I don’t remember running into issues with the old version when posting similar content.
Not the OP, but I’ve got the following bots blocked and it massively improved my Lemmy experience.
I’ve seen that option but unfortunately not every NSFW post is NSFW because of nudity. Like some of the post in the Ukraine community are marked NSFW for war reasons.
This is the thing I’m happiest to see and I hope it helps Lemmy grow more. Being able to block the NSFW/porn instances is such a quality-of-life improvement. I’ve got nothing against porn, but it’s a bad look if anyone can see your screen and every third post is nudity (even if it’s blurred).
Hey dude - I hate removing posts because I appreciate it whenever someone contributes, but I don’t think this would be considered “offbeat”. This sounds like something more suited for the science-based communities.
Good news then, because there’s a second half to the story!
I gave up on online dating last year and I won’t be back. If that means I’ll end up dying alone, I’m honestly more comfortable with that idea than suffering though anymore of the bullshit that’s Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/etc. It’s become such a miserable experience for both sides (men and women).
As someone who had used online dating on and off for 10+ years, I can tell you one of the big problems - money and greed. I know it’s always easy to just “blame capitalism”, but I’ve seen first-hand the paradigm shift from an actual useful service (i.e. a way to meet people that you would otherwise not meet) to the blatant greed it’s become. The dating apps are so obviously profiteering off people’s loneliness it’s fucking disgusting. Back before Match bought everyone up, these services used to actually be okay for what they were.
The blank template can be found here:
Can’t help with a briscola edit though cause I’m on mobile.
No worries mate! It’s something that’s been on my mind for a while and you finally lit a fire under my ass to do something about it 😂
Now if only I can take better care of some of my other communities 😬
A post like this is really making me wonder about the direction of this community. Not in a bad way. This is great content. I’ve been wondering for a while if I should expand the idea from “Offbeat News” to just general “Offbeat” things (news and other items). I need to formulate a mod post now lol.
Cool story bro.
It’s probably not the answer you’re looking for, but depending where you live, periwinkle is considered an invasive species and it’s generally recommended to plant something else.
OfficialPartner is another one. I had them and softwaresales posting spam in one of my communities.
I always heard that pearls/jade and n’joy were slower growing varieties of the original marble queen. I found that mine started to really take off after I pruned it back and stuck a couple of fertilizer sticks in the pot. I’ve also got a marble and I gotta say, it’s been keeping up with it growth-wise lately haha
In my opinion, that’s way better dude.
Numb. Sad. Mostly numb.
I was cheering for Kamala. I wanted the US to succeed. She had the big rallies, the celebrity endorsements, the polls were saying it was neck-and-neck. It looked like sanity was going to prevail. Then Trump just basically sweeps it and it’s like…oh. It’s easy to call the Americans “stupid” or whatever insults I’ve seen flying around the internet, but there was a vote. He won the vote. Over 72 million people think that Trump and the Republican ideology lines up best with their ideology. Who am I to argue with that? I don’t agree with it, but I guess that’s democracy in action. Regardless of what lies were told or what disinformation was spread, people overwhelmingly went out, voted for ol’ Donny, and this is the result. That’s how she goes I guess…? I don’t fucking know anymore dude.
My heart absolutely breaks for the people of Ukraine. I’m sure they’ll lose their US support come January. They don’t deserve that.