Another benefit is that most of the fiber will be on the ground as you get closer to the target. Your drone will get lighter as it flies.
Another benefit is that most of the fiber will be on the ground as you get closer to the target. Your drone will get lighter as it flies.
Misschien moeten we vaker ‘gekoloniseerd’ roepen, zodat we opvallen
The US war of independence started mostly because super rich shipowners didn’t like the idea of tea not having to be transported to London first, but could come directly from India and Indonesia.
That would save a ton of money for the American colonists, but it would cut out all those wealthy shipowners (and smugglers) who ran the London-America routes.
So they lied to the people do their dirty work for them.
He’s just going to blame everyone but himself, of course. And then use it as an excuse to proclaim Ukraine are a bunch of warmongering evildoers. Then he’s going to stop support, lift sanctions on Russia and enjoy the massive bribe from Putin.
Just be bi, double the pool!
rather than the taxidermy supply.
Wait what?
Sure, the upfront cost is a bit steep, but the fuel economy is amazing
Wait, when did Britain invade most of Europe? Are we counting WW2, because that doesn’t seem fair, since most of the invaded countries either didn’t exist at that time, or if you want to count the governments-in-exile, requested it.
FN making dime
Native Germans don’t care about declensions.
Native Dutch people can’t do -d or -t in their verbs.
Native English speakers can’t keep “their” and “they’re” apart.
We all just suck
I’ve had missing children reports at large fantasy events and they would be 40% “Bobby is wearing a black shirt with a knight costume and plastic sword”, 40% Anna is wearing a pink dress and scarf, with a magic wand".
Reeeeeally narrows it down!
The other ones would be hyper specific outfits and only the fans know, like “Joey is dressed like Flognip the Enmagicer from Flognip visits the Elves”.
There’s news articles every other day that are basically “Country X sends Y pieces of equipment Z to Ukraine”. They’ve basically become background noise from how often those get published. I definitely don’t feel like we’re not doing anything.
I DO feel like we should be doing even more, but that’s a different matter.
Suspiciously well fed leopards of the USA
Oh no, the thing that literally everyone said would happen just happened!
And the perpetrators don’t care, they don’t give a shit about dead babies, they just want women to suffer for daring to have freedoms.
But that would require some kind of massive gravity well. Oh, I know! We’ll create some kind large black hole, and the…
That attitude will soon have you pay for the next statue of Zeus, mister.
(Adding: there’s a row of Statues of Zeus near the Olympic stadium, with plaques describing why they were placed. The idea was that these would be bought with the fines placed on cheaters. One common way to cheat was to have various gods and/or powers place a curse on the competition, and we have numerous records of this)
Wait, its by The Asylum (from such masterpieces as Transmorphers and Triassic World), but it doesn’t suck?
Outrageous! What will they think of next? I guess we’ll just let all the competitors place curses on eachother too then? The statues of Zeus are there for a reason, people!
To save people the click:
Commercial systems generally deliver about a watt at 10-20 meters, which of course drops with distance and depends on fiber quality. It also requires a separate fiber(pair) from the data fiber.
A small DJI burns about 100 watts