Fettuccine. Honestly I just love noodles, and the thicker the better.
Fettuccine. Honestly I just love noodles, and the thicker the better.
I just mean that the supposed AI summary title is too wordy. Like:
A picture of
It’s an image file, so the being a picture of something should be self explanatory
the rabbit from Monty python holy grail
Could just shorten it to “Monty Python Rabbit”
saved from firefox
Contained in metadata
on Feb 16th 2024
Also contained in metadata
I’m a bit glad that WhatsApp never caught on here in the US. I’ve heard nothing good come out of that platform ever since it was bought by Meta, and I don’t even know how regulators allowed that to occur in the first place.
In China we mainly used WeChat, which I can’t say is any better. Signal is fine though and works well for me. I just wish I could get more people I know to use it instead of Discord.
I feel like you could just call it “Monty Python Rabbit.png” and let metadata handle the rest.
Seems to load for me. DNS issue maybe?
Didn’t Signal get big after Musk endorsed it? What gives?
There is such a thing as mandatory reporting in some professions, but only when it applies to individuals, never corporations or government agencies.
isglitch is a satire news site.
It’s a bit like making alcohol—it’s made through fermentation, but you want it to be very controlled.
Normally you’d want to sterilize the starting mix first to kill any undesired molds and bacteria, add the fermenting agent that you want (lactic acid producing bacteria in this case) and age it in a sealed container until ready.
If it starts with any contaminants or if any are introduced during fermentation, it’d spoil the batch and make you very sick if ingested.
That veers into subjective territory, though. From your example, going to a vegan community and declaring that you don’t believe veganism is sustainable would be seen by most as not contributing to discussion, but just trying to troll or incite a flame war. I’d consider that detrimental and downvote.
On the other hand, asking “How can we make vegan lifestyles more sustainable?” would be something worth upvoting.
Communities are not necessarily places where people go to debate or have deep discussions, often it’s just to find solidarity and meme out with good vibes. I’m not going to go to the Elden Ring community and say “Elden Ring is trash”, even if that’s a valid opinion for someone to have, because that’s not really the right place to have that kind of discussion.
“Criminals” = People I don’t like.
The America diagram is correct if read from bottom to top.
February 15, 2025 at 9:45:00
Man doesn’t think Residents exist, lmao.
Guessing it’s likely due to Apple’s approval process. You can try to patch 1 major issue but they won’t approve an update unless it also adds compatibility for all of their new standards and features.
Not to say that’s unreasonable of Apple, but if the game’s not making money on that platform anymore I can understand the decision to just pull it rather than sink more resources into supporting it in perpetuity.
Plus it’s just not a good remaster anyways, they really bungled up the multiplayer capability. I don’t think anything of value has been lost.
Why remake perfection?
I think that might be a bit too optimistic re: cancer. Cancer can happen just through normal cellular division in your body, and the older you get the likelier it is that it just happens randomly. This is independent of environmental factors, which certainly don’t help but aren’t the cause of all cancers.
For me it’s a combination of them making games that all seem to represent everything wrong in modern gaming, coupled with all of the sexual misconduct among their leadership that they covered up and have still not been held accountable for.
Reminds me of this famous quote from Stephen Jay Gould:
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
I can’t help but think some groups must have no good people just by virtue of what the group is. Good people don’t join the Proud Boys or the KKK, nor can good people be billionaires.