I need an adult.
I need an adult.
That person is simultaneously saying that if Harris won, they would have lost while also saying that whoever is in office wouldn’t affect them.
Pop up ads in the early internet days are what made me not ever want to click on an ad. Regular people must have missed that era of Internet.
Is anyone else just enjoying seeing people create actual user names again and not just using the automatically generated ones reddit has done for awhile?
I first joined reddit in 2011 and Lemmy definitely reminds me of early reddit. Except back then I probably lurked for about a year before I even made my first comment or post. I joined Lemmy about a month ago and I’m slowly starting to participate already.
Reddit only cares to bring the banhammer down if a subreddit negatively makes headlines.
What got me is the upcoming one week Nestle and one week General Mills boycotts… Do the people who came up with these boycotts not realize that the stores that carry those products, already paid for those products? And the rebuttal to any skepticism is that it’ll at least get people used to not buying these products or shopping at these places. Do people really need to take baby steps? Is that how much we, as a society, are addicted to buying things? Pat yourself on the back America! Fascism may be quickly on the rise, but good work, you didn’t buy Cheerios for a whole week!
I think what also plays into it is apathetic doctors. People go to the doctor for help, if they have a doctor that doesn’t actually care about helping them and only spends a couple minutes with them before getting shooed out the door, this causes people to seek alternative forms of medicine. Another thing that happens is the doctor comes up with a treatment plan and insurance denies it. So once again, this is something that would cause people to seek alternative medicine. They get desperate for a fix for whatever problem ails them and the snake oil salesmen are right there ready and waiting for them on TikTok/Instagram/Facebook.
So between apathetic doctors and rising medical costs along with fear mongering on social media about medications being “poison” and natural cures being better, oh and let’s also add in there easily gullible idiots, you get where we’re at today.
Touché. I’ve grown exhausted of people becoming so unhinged on the internet. I haven’t been on Lemmy long and was thinking most people seemed normal so far… But I guess you’re always going to end up coming across unhinged people eventually.
Sometimes I just don’t understand human behavior.
I think I saw that exchange yesterday. Was it the person that absolutely freaked out over another user being called a male term? (I can’t remember exactly what it was, I want to say “son” but I don’t think that was it). I use Voyager and I don’t see profile pictures or even any descriptions on people’s profiles. I didn’t even know that existed until that person was freaking out and calling everyone transphobes for not knowing.
I really got hung up on the “reuse” part of reduce, reuse, recycle.
I got red shirt Nicole 6 days ago