How so? Can you give more details about what you mean here?
In my case, I can feel that way by realizing that there’s not much praxis in real life I can do where I am as I am.
I’d think there’s an upside. The longer it takes for revolution to occur here, the better prepared the rest of the world may be for it. Socialist forces will be much better developed abroad. Actually, those phenomena are inseparable, it’s also as the US loses its ability to interfere with socialist development abroad that it will be more vulnerable to revolution. Such conditions, being more isolated from the rest of the world, would better foster revolutionary spirit, especially in people more confident in the examples abroad to follow, and their desire to link with the rest of the socialist world.
I understand not wanting to get carried away. We make fun of people for saying China will collapse any day. We, of course, have much more grounds to say that with regards to the US but it may take a while yet.
I reset the chapter when one of them does.
I’m happy to have received such reception to this post from all of you, comrades. I’m doing better now and have reaffirmed myself of the importance of not trusting how I feel about my life past 2100. The excellent news in my case is this psychological struggle has led to me discovering the existence of the PRC show “In The Name of The People” that I hear from fellow comrades is very, very good (and extremely popular with the people in the PRC) so I may check it out. It’s free with subs on YouTube.
Say that because of my profile picture? Yeah, I like the Tellius games.
Helps that they simplified their language. We need to do that for English, there’s so many inconsistencies.
Yes, the TTYD remake.
My favorite announcement was Okami.
The 2024 game I enjoyed most was Paper Mario.
Good that this is happening, but I feel discouraged that conversion therapy was happening at all and that it took this long for something like this case to happen.
Actually, this might be a good thing. If people with even this mindset are being forced to act, change might come sooner than I thought.
Will the US government last that long?
That’s the thing, I’m not even sure if it will be faster than if the Dems got in because they’re historically more prone to warmongering, thus getting the Empire into unwinnable military wars rather than economic ones.
Now I wonder if Trump will actually implement those 100% tariffs he threatened against dedollarizing countries.
What’s disgusting, cringe, or weird is irrelevant to me. Acting horny in a public forum not dedicated to that kind of stuff runs the risk of causing discomfort and harm to those sensitive to it, particularly victims of sexual abuse.
I remember a trans comrade speaking on this phenomenon in 2018.
Communist parties do not have a perfect or perhaps even the best track record with regards to progressive issues. I don’t blame communism for this, just saying that it’s dangerous to assume we’re immune to adopting dangerous and foolish social beliefs.
I imagine it may depend on the area. China’s a big, varied, ever-changing place.
Would other higher-ups actually let him do something this foolish?
It was a lesson Lenin himself ended up learning. I heard he never expected revolution to come in his lifetime but he had to stop writing State and Revolution because it ended up happening. Like a spark lighting a wildfire.