I was thinking that we should build more trains.
Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I’m here for memes and art.
Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.
I was thinking that we should build more trains.
It’s trivial to reorganize your collection (see Strawberry Music Player if you think it’s not) but when it comes to slsk you see the files, filenames, directory structure, bitrate, and bit depth without downloading. I check all the FLAC albums I download and I haven’t seen a fake one yet. I never download lossy files because I can create a perfect transcode from lossless anyways, and I’m probably transcoding to opus which seemingly nobody else does.
You have to realize that in 2025 we’re all ripping them from Deezer or something where you always get basic tags and proper lossless. I’ve never used a private tracker and never will because slsk gives just as high quality and has less condescending pricks.
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30 km/h and city centres should have no access except for vehicles with deliveries.
No reason to do this “meet in the middle” shit, they’re not interested. Pierre and people like him want to make people suffer. The cruelty is the point. They will never support a policy that doesn’t involve cruelty and suffering.
Seriously, don’t bother with torrents for music. Soulseek is way more reliable and at least someone has had any thing I’ve ever looked for in FLAC.
It’s just a point of comparison, and Alberta still does.
Yes, Microsoft has no qualms about bending to governments, same with all other corporations.
Nuclear is literally one of the most reliable sources of power there is. And, burning coal for power puts more radiation into the surrounding environment than nuclear power does. The problem with nuclear is the high buy-in cost. Aka, the best time to start building nuclear plants was 10 years ago, second best time is now.
Saying “no” to fascism.
I don’t think it has anything to do with Trump, you might’ve jus been missing it. I’ve been working near a homeless shelter for years. It’s been bad for a long while, and has just been worsening. The way we treat homeless people is really fucked, especially since it could be any one of us.
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“Vagueing” as in “vagueposting”.
It’s less split personality and more unmasking the autism you’re masking 90% of the time.
You have to finish a licensed class and pass the tests they give you, then you apply to the government and wait about a month to get your PAL in the mail assuming you pass the background checks.
There’s MANY things I dislike about Trudeau. I’ve been pretty impressed with his fast and appropriate responses on these issues. I’m so tired of people not taking the insanity seriously.
Almost as if it’s a made up narrative made to get you mad about something that isn’t happening.
Its driver manager is better for newbies. Worse for experienced users though imo.
I used to work at London Drugs up until very recently and their POS systems still prompt for that information. I never asked for it simply because I felt it was an unnecessary violation of privacy but I was there for years and nobody mentioned it was actually illegal.