• 130 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 29th, 2022


  • Same feeling. Also lately a lot of civ clones was popping out, i tried Humankind, Millenia, Old World and i liked none of them. So i was hyped for Civ 7 and forked the money only to see it literally copy the mechanics and UI from those games… Like what the actual fuck i actually stopped playing at the age change, this is the most pointless and infuriating thing in entire franchise since the douchebag cities in Civ 3 (and i also hated Civ 3 as the only game in series due to that).

  • First of all, despite different characteristicts and mistakes, yes, they were really socialist, “state capitalism” used in modern context is just a westolefto thought-terminating buzzword to absolve said westolefto from any marxist analysis and instead allowing for brain cooling on an easily available COINTELPRO propaganda.
    Second, due to abovementioned characteristics it is a complex subject, even my own Poland would require monumental effortpost to describe even briefly, but 1956, 1968, and then 80’s were in most socialist countries in the region an arena for western regime change efforts and each time some liberalistion was achieved and for example 1968 had tragic consequences in Poland, government allowed to establish prowestern liberal faction, that was loose at beginning but which would ultimately converge with gorbachevists in government and destroy socialism, and it also caused fall of government which was replaced by more liberal “market-socialists” seeking to lend money from the west which also had tragic consequences, even though at first it led to significant speeding of economy.

  • Historically, some people did lived like that or similar, many religious communes comes to mind, but again the very reason they lived like that is that they were outcasts of the mainstream society, and it was never on any big scale. Marx was right when he criticized that, and it shows intelectual idealism and tendence to oversimplification of its proponents, like the short Procrustes bed of societies.