I’ve got a base 12 still and running the dev beta for 18(.3). I haven’t noticed any lag; granted I rarely use Siri
I’ve got a base 12 still and running the dev beta for 18(.3). I haven’t noticed any lag; granted I rarely use Siri
Change electricity to energy and we’re good again
We also have the top two ports in the US. And if we took the PNW with us nearly all trade from Asia would pass through this theoretical new country before reaching the US.
Edit; also there’s a lot of division between the urban and rural areas of all west coast states. It’s fun to think about, but I don’t see it happening without a major conflict
Might actually use chat GPT for the first time to spam them that way
You’re heaping a lot of guilt on the shoulders of those that don’t really have a choice.
as if they were some innocent bystanders sucked into an evil black hole of traffic…
That’s honestly how it is in the states. You go where your job tells you to. Even jobs that could be remote (as proven by the pandemic) are making employees return to work.
I don’t need your scorn; the people making me commute should be your target. I’m just trying to pay my bills.
Aboriginal is mostly associated with Australia, but since this is a Canadian study I thought it would be helpful to link to the tribes there.
For North Americans the term most often heard in popular usage is ‘Indigenous’
Do you mean the Liberian flag? 🇱🇷 Never heard of the Armenian flag 🇦🇲 being confused for the USA’s
Pretty sure I got it! Looks to be a recolored version of one of Norwich University’s logos. Search for NU sports logo got a hit in maroon and gold; reversed image searched and received these results.
Not a university, maybe a local sports team? Would you feel comfortable sharing the state this was spotted in/which state the license plate was from?
(Narrator voice; it was a university)
I’m on iOS, using voyager, proton vpn, and a 3rd party ad blocker and the image loaded just fine for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Simple PEMDAS; Is this [free real estate (snake + boot)]
The OG Dark Alliance was my jam back when it first released. Sunk so many hours into it and its sequel (with Dritz). I can hear the song from the tavern in my head as I type. Now I’ve gotta see if I can emulate it somehow.
We have so many 7-11s in my area; do other states not have them‽ I’ve traveled quite a bit but it’s honestly not something I kept a tally of
Silver lining is they won’t have to deal with LAX.
Obligatory Babylon 5 Swedish meatballs
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
IIRC his voice was modelled after Rex Harrison; specifically his role in My Fair Lady as Henry Higgins. Not quite satire; but both the actor and the character were fairly misogynistic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯