Scottish loon sometimes in Caithness, usually in Edinburgh. Likes rugby, F1, reading, cooking, and irn bru

  • 196 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think unix signals are a bit lacking for your use case now. I’d consider having the daemon also have a web interface that you could then have the web server message. You mention systemd also, so could also consider MQ message queuing or D-Bus. Getting these to scale across computers isn’t as simple, hence my http suggestion initially. HTTP should also then be OS agnostic

  • Gie little fer thus loon this weekend. Gawin oot tae swatch the local rugby team ah reckun the moro. Skipped a gig the nicht as it’s dry january, an nae pints mak it a lang nicht. Got a loaf proovin noo instead wi Newcastle vs Montpellier oan the box, must be gettin auld.

    Gin the weather haulds up the Pentlands Sunday mibbe. An sum cuikin, mibbes a roast ham