Silence Brand!
Silence Brand!
Who has Elon growing a toothbrush mustache on their bingo cards?
A musktache if you will.
Why are you eating it?
no acceptable form of payment has been processed on this account.
But my coupons tho.
My dad was a car salesman… Fuck car salesman.
Pure West.
How come Batman doesn’t dance anymore?
I think the magic spell will work, as long as they stand inside a government building at the time… Facing west of course
You failed to make a profit with a full team, now do Mass Effect with less resources…
Reminds me of Death Stranding a bit.
They don’t need it, says the privileged person using it.
Combat experienced corpses.
The most unrealistic part of this is the low cost fuel. Unless Guts was only buying a thimble of fuel
No he is in interviews promoting this game
Wow Microsoft that is it! That solves it! Now Windows 11 is totally made for gaming… Wow and people thought you ran out of game-changing ideas /s
Love how English has an American Flag tho
Of course she wears a cowboy hat.
You are what you eat I guess.
God i can hear this shirt
You will be amazed by the power of gerrymandering.