this seems kinda…dark. 😅
this seems kinda…dark. 😅
ICE can suck dicks in hell! 🥰🫰
i am also a swiftkey refugee. lol. loving it so far.
i haven’t used desktop mode since that guide was posted in the instance this week.
love it!
I’ve been using Heliboard for quite a bit now. its very nice and simple. I’m not sure how it would do multiple languages however, as I’ve not tried it.
i absolutely recommend it though. great little keyboard.
the issue with that is the fediverse isn’t the easiest thing to sign up for. and the fediverse needs explaining pre-sign up for most people.
listen I have both bluesky and mastodon so I get you. but for now, bluesky is at least not the platform of an angry nazi man child. (at least not yet).
Nice. Glad to see people leaving xitter en mass.
daww. yeah I guess it would take a lot of energy to fly. but I hope deep down they have fun when they do it =D
this is a random thought, but I kind of wonder if they ever just… fly for fun.
not hunting or finding small game. like I wonder if they ever just have a nice breezy day and they’re like “Hell yeah…” and they go up in the air stream and just cruise for a bit.
yes. its one of my favorites.
odd. i went and tested and apparently at ‘default’ it does the cursor weirdness, but ‘native’ seems to have completely fixed it.
as for the script, I followed the instructions to the letter, and input my screen’s resolution properly but it just sort of flashed for a moment and never started.
i tried for quite a while to get it working. different settings, even tried different resolutions to see if it just didn’t like my display, but nope. no dice for me =(
but after doing some ddg searching, many people have had the resolution issue with nested. so I can see why you had so many difficulties in finding a solution 😭.
i will work on it a bit more tomorrow and see if I can’t get the script working.
thank you for making the guide! i didn’t know this was possible until today and its been nice to not worry about swapping to desktop. <3
EA has killed one of my favorite franchises and they are just making this worse and worse.
this is absolutely wonderful but I seem to have issues with the mouse cursor not seeing the entire bottom of the desktop bar. so I’m unable to open apps.
but I wonder if thats a resolution issue.
edit: after tinkering for a bit, it doesn’t seem Nested will actually work with docked mode. it seems to only be functional for handheld mode, sadly. as the alternate resolution method did not work at all.
i don’t mind using the app in 800, but ive been unable to use it at all due to the cursor issue in docked mode.
works well in handheld, I guess (after rebooting). so that’s nice!
but to those looking to firefox without going to desktop mode in docked, this will not be a solution. =(
Second Edit: Eureka! go to game properties and set it to “native” and it will allow access to the whole screen.
i count Andromeda! Andromeda is my 2nd highest rated Mass Effect game.
golly that sounds like a dreadful place to live.
ooooh how very exciting! will keep an eye on this. i run DLSS on basically everything. wonder what will be better.
mazel tov. but I was asking the other commenter.
how did you find Lemmy? did you find out through reddit?
ive been here over a year now and I sure did. haven’t used reddit since.
if you didn’t come here from reddit, I’d be curious to hear where you did come from before making a Lemmy account.
great. can we get actual blocking now? something that people have wanted for as long as the app has been around? 🥲