I’m gonna be generous and assume the original commenter meant “Aboriginals on average have significantly worse outcomes compared to non-aboriginal Australians due to historical persecution”
I’m gonna be generous and assume the original commenter meant “Aboriginals on average have significantly worse outcomes compared to non-aboriginal Australians due to historical persecution”
This what we would call false advertising in my country.
You can’t write: “NO ADS!*”
“*actually, maybe some ads, as a treat”
That’s just completely negating the headline claim
This is why I think it’s heinous presidential pardons were ever allowed to be on the books. Must have reminded the founders of the kingly powers they sought to replace?
How did no one ever consider that you can do as many crimes as you want, so long as the president will pardon you?
Really dumb, if you ask me.
This is why I’m glad we don’t directly elect our head of government in Australia.
People bitch “oh we’ve had 5 prime minister’s in 5 years!”. Better that than a president that can only be stopped by 2/3rds of the senate.
That and Australian cabinet members (who are the executives of the various departments), who can be removed by the prime minister, at least are somewhat covered by the fact the prime minister only has this power while a simple majority of the parliament allows it.
I’m not claiming we’ve got democracy figured out over here, and suffer from a lot of the same shit as the US because of capitalism and corruption.
But hell, US-style elected constitutional monarchy is wild.
And we’re still under an actual monarchy lol
This does seem rather practical as a catch-all term. LGBTQ+ is much too cumbersome
I’ve already heard a bunch of queer people around the internet use “queer”, so I guess it just needs more adoption
A great leap backwards :(
LGB is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen.
I’m not THAT young (born in the 90s) and even I’ve never ever seen LGB as an initialism without the T.
ASOP fork, donation model (pay as you feel) pls.
Please voluntary redundancy google staff. Please
(Realistically I know this is a tall ask considering this is people’s livelihoods we’te talking about)
Sign me up babyyyyy
This is what small government is. I have no idea how people convince themselves that right-wing libertarianism isn’t an absolute joke of an ideology. It’s just replacing positions answerable to elected officials with unelected oligarchs.
Why people prefer using some company’s chat service is beyond me. Email? Fantastic, I’ll come back to a response later. But these chats often require you don’t close the window, their notification sound won’t work, you’ll get dropped from opening another app for like 2 mins, and they take ages to respond in many cases.
Put me on hold any day, I can do whatever else I want in the meantime and then not have to wait while the agent types at a snails pace.
Has your company heard of pre-recorded audio?
John Green would like you to know that tuberculosis has never stopped being a thing, if you’re counting the whole world.
But yes, it’s ridiculous people are actively choosing to bring it back to somewhere it was no longer a thing
Overtime is a type of penalty rate, these are the others:
There’s penalty to the employer for asking to work these times, in the form of more money. As it should be
Looks to me like the bigger reason she’s not the smartest isn’t because of spelling, which english is crap at, but that she doesn’t understand word order, which is much more concrete.
“White House War Room Correspondent” would make way more sense
I’m not really for beating people up in general, unless it’s necessary.
If possible, try and change their minds (it has been known to happen).
Violently resist their attempts at capturing any sort of influence though, which is the point the US is at it seems.
Nazi salute, straight to jail (which is what recently happened in a Victoria, Australia. A funny comparison to the US)
I could live with life of the author and spouse (not children), but only if they haven’t sold the rights.
If they’ve sold the rights, 15 years.
Journalists have ruined the word slam over the last couple of years
I like different coffee for different purposes. Instant coffee is mostly made from commodity coffee and blends in Robusta (which I don’t like, personally).
That said, in a pinch, or if I can’t be bothered with the whole shebang of a pour over or espresso. Mix in a little milk and sweetener and it’s quite enjoyable.
That all being said, this is some mega MAGA copium they’re pumping out.
The Swiss just can’t help themselves
In most othe countries, this would be a van