Y hasta donde van? Parece interesante
Y hasta donde van? Parece interesante
You should be enjoying the school years cause they’ll be the best of your life. Said by someone who very obviously peaked in high school.
Started reading Rayuela (Hopscotch) by Julio Cortázar. I had underestimated it (or overestimated my Spanish). A large part seems to be a stream of consciousness that is pretty hard to focus on but moving between chapters in different parts of the book actually helps a bit.
Yeah this photo looks like an ideal city. In reality this is a small (and pretty rich) neighborhood and the bike lane is about 3km leading to a big road. Most of Athens is very car-centric.
Which makes this an issue since no one will go read the whole list of laws
This has the unintended consequence of people not knowing about the law if it goes unenforced for a long time.
Anything by Jeff Vandermeer. Maybe Margaret Atwood too but I’ve only read Oryx and Crake (which was great but not sure how much it fits here). Tender is the Flesh is really good and pretty dark. Blindness by José Saramago. If you’re looking for something really weird then House of Leaves (but warning, it’s not exactly a normal story and you should get the physical book).
Buenos consejos, gracias!
Eso también parece interesante. Y es open source, nice
Eso de comprar aceite lo tengo en mis TODOs bastante tiempo jaja. La bicicleta es nueva pero supongo que es mejor empezar con el mantenimiento temprano.
La ropa de ciclismo nunca me ha gustado mucho. Las rutas que voy ahora son una combinación de tierra y aceras rotas y la ultima vez tuve que saltar un par de alambradas. Me resulta más seguro andar en jeans o cargos pero lo tendré en cuenta si llego a las 3-4 horas.
No uso strava, quizás debería empezarlo
Buenas, este sábado hice por primera vez 18 km en bici. Supongo que no es tanto pero ahora te entiendo kurobita, el proximo finde voy por más.
There were more posts like this: the weird hotel room one, the artshare of OP father’s feet. I’m hesitant to put them in the same category as this because they looked like normal posts but again they seem to be deleted (or at least I can’t find them now).
I think this is the third or fourth I’ve seen this week. And when searching for them later they’re gone.
Has anyone else noticed a spike in posts about abusive fathers by new accounts lately that then get deleted? Especially here but in other communities as well. I’m not saying this specific post isn’t real but it’s getting a bit weird.
That would be amazing timing, this use case came up a few days ago. I’ll check if there is an update, thanks for the info
Sorry for hijacking this, I have a similar issue. When you say similar to outlook, is there a way to see shared (group?) calendars in teams like in outlook? I feel very stupid for not finding this.
Tbf the people who find it annoying usually have no say in what the company uses. The problem isn’t that there are more features but that each feature doesn’t work correctly in isolation.
So basically Microsoft demands using their whole ecosystem if you want their services to actually be useful?
We were in late high school, it’s not like we had no responsibilities. Pretty much every year after that has been better than middle/high school for me.