• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • I stopped using any Meta app and website several years ago, but I lost my 2FA so the only way I can log in to delete the accounts is to send a photo of my ID card and other stuff to Meta to prove who I am, I really don’t feel like doing that. I’m not sure what the best action is, just let it be or do as they ask to be able to delete everything.

  • M137@lemmy.worldto2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    4 days ago

    It’s even worse when you experience something like that while awake. Some friends of mine just released the release date trailer for their new game, and I just broke when watching it. For a couple of months, I’ve been in love with the singer of the band whose music is on the trailer, she’s a friend of a friend, and the mix of her singing and the feeling of that game just broke me. I cried so much for a good while and have now just been lying in my bed for a couple of hours with no will to get up. I’ve road-tripped a lot through my life, driven from Gothenburg, Sweden all the way to Croatia several times, the first 4 times in a Volvo 240. Some of my best and worst memories from that, and the game just feels like it was made from those memories.

    Here’s the trailer: https://youtu.be/nT5YZlFKDgA

  • M137@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldOuch!
    6 days ago

    I’ve got a weird pain tolerance with hair on any part of my body, I feel barely any pain no matter where and what’s used to remove it. And I get these hairs around my ripples that itch so they’re very satisfying to remove. I used to rip out big chunks of my hair as a kid, kinda like a party trick, but I started to get bald spots so had to stop, haha.