Could it be that you had a lot more time on your hands, and perhaps fewer games to play, as a kid? I know that aligns with my experience with other games. (Then again, having not played gen 3 myself, it might not be that deep)
Thought to have been an ordinary falling star.
Could it be that you had a lot more time on your hands, and perhaps fewer games to play, as a kid? I know that aligns with my experience with other games. (Then again, having not played gen 3 myself, it might not be that deep)
When I did a legendary Combat Evolved solo run, there were one or two speedrunning strats I borrowed. Probably could do the same for H2 - one of the later levels, you can skip entirely if you do it right.
Halo 3 is a lot of fun, and it’s got some brilliant setpieces, but in terms of plot it’s always felt a bit of a rush job.
Even so, I love it to bits and it occupied many memorable evenings between 2008-2010. Definitely a much easier Legendary experience than Halo 2.
VMware offers their Workstation hypervisor for free now. I’m able to run Windows 10 surprisingly well using that, and use relatively intensive software like Affinity Designer without any noticeable issues.
Or maybe they wrote ‘darn’ but with dodgy keming?
And the other 10% is Elon
As a (almost) lifelong TS2 fan, even I would be hard pressed to pay what they’re charging.
How would you even debadge a modern Ford truck? All the ones I’ve seen have FORD in massive letters on the front.
Indeed, though I’m afraid it’s now Time to Split
Get him an N64 and GoldenEye?
This just reminds me of the mod situation for early versions of Minecraft. These days it’s as simple as pressing a button and dropping your mods into a folder, but back then it was a case of directly modifying the main Java file, removing specific bits, adding specific bits in specific places… not smooth at all
But that means it won’t get any more stale. Emergency baguettes for everyone!
Oh, I wasn’t aware of the Paperless app! Thanks!
X-COM: UFO Defense
I am familiar with the venerable plastic pig… never been inside one though, for better or worse
The weight of having to pick the P50 up when it inevitably capsizes?
What’s pre-tipping? A tip before you’ve even had service?
Can you shoot the other one too? Y’know, the one that’s in the Albert Hall
On the modern games taking forever to get to the point: I’ve been playing the Paper Mario TTYD remake on Switch. Out of curiosity, I watched a little gameplay from the GameCube original… and glory be, does it look snappy. They definitely padded out the animations and stuff in the remake.