• 31 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 16th, 2024


  • League of Legends. A little proud to say that it took a lot of time to remember I used to dump hours into that hellscape of a game.

    Don’t get me wrong, League can be fun and some champ designs are just chef’s kiss. But at some point I just felt like I wasn’t improving any more and got far less.endorphins And ofc, the community is salty and unable to understand that flaming=lower win chances. And I have to admit, I was easily irritated, too, writing messages to support faster than Karen can call the cops.

    After quitting I realized it was either a way to distract myself from my problems or actually a form of punishing myself. I wouldn’t be surprised if many other players were stuck with it for that reason, perpatuating the toxicity further.