You also seem to think we’re sitting here just discussing America and/or your president.
Not at all. I don’t make generalizations about the people of an entire country, much less a continent. I am only commenting on the meme.
Not really. If that was the case, the conversation between Europe and Canada would be about some of their many internal concerns. Instead they are talking about the orange clown. When Americans, the most directly affected victims of this fascist regime’s policies, try to interact amd commiserate about Cheeto Jesus’ bullshit, Europe and Canada give them a “ok cool fuck off” thumbs up.
That’s pretty straightforward.
We can have compassion for what you’re going through, just don’t expect much support as we have our own shit to deal with.
That’s perfectly fair. That’s also not the message the meme conveys.
At this point, it is easier to make a whitelist than a blacklist.
Victim blaming. How enlightened.
Nah homie. We are on that Cyberpunk expressway.
Nobody, under any circumstance, should buy a swastikar. Not even used.
Highway to the friend zone
Ride into the friend zone
arcades, malls,bowling alleys, pool halls,public swimming pools,console game systems, video rental stores,bikes, parks,dungeons and dragons.
Not every kid had money growing up and most home entertainment was expensive.
This hits extra hard given Tim Allen’s MAGAness.
Why stock photos when Facebook is full of the real thing?
No parents. No Internet. Very limited home entertainment. Full boredom.
Growing up Gen-X was like a perpetual episode of Jackass starring The Goonies.
My company is one of the top large data management firms specializing in Oracle in the world. What Larry is proposing is impossible with Oracle. He has no understanding of the limitations of his own product. Or he does and is just talking out his ass so he can scam the gullible Trump administration out of billions of dollars.
He didn’t helm Oracle. He ran Oracle Cloud… much worse.
This…a lot.
SOURCE: I am a relatively wealthy Gen-X man.
I moved to Jackson Hole so it’s not an issue now, but when I lived in Downtown Austin it was a problem.
I don’t come to Lemmy to get personally attacked!
The OA was a fucking trip. It deserved a final season.