• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Translation is always a bit of a balancing act. If you translate literally you may lose the jokes, and to keep the same vibe you may need to go for something that’s not a literal translation.

    One example that comes to my mind is in FLCL there’s a line in the dub about a store that still has Crystal Pepsi, however i the original Japanese it’s a different discontinued soda. The translators made the call that almost no one outside of Japan would be familiar with the original soda, and that it wasn’t really that brand itself that was funny, it was that this store was still selling a soda that was discontinued like a decade ago.

    I feel like the weiner/hot dog/dachshund joke is probably pretty universal, it’s a pretty simple sort of visual pun- dachshunds look like a hot dog (or maybe a sausage in countries that don’t eat a lot of hot dogs) and hot dogs are pretty phallic, I suspect that pretty much every culture and language has similar kinds of jokes that translate pretty well. Maybe in some cases you swap out hot dog for kielbasa or salami or whatever the local tube-shaped meat product is and the accompanying local slang, but overall the joke isn’t much deeper than “lol, penises are funny and these things look like a dick”

  • Yeah, if he specifically wants them for dual-use with d&d (and cares about keeping his minis in-theme, my group has been known to plop down a star wars AT-ST on the table to stand in for a dragon) then AoS is probably a better bet for that.

    Another thing to consider, since you say he’s been having trouble finding places to play D&D, there’s a good chance he’s going to run into a similar problem with Warhammer. If you have any local game stores, in my experience, most of them will have pretty regular events for both D&D and Warhammer. You can also sometimes find groups and events in other places- libraries, community centers, book stores, schools, etc. aren’t uncommon.

    But if you really don’t have many options around you, that means he’s going to need to convince his friends to play with him (which can be an uphill battle, Warhammer isn’t a cheap hobby) so his best bet is probably to see what his friends are more interested in playing (assuming he wants to play Warhammer, and not just paint the minis, which some people do)

  • Something you may want to consider is a cell signal booster, cell phones are a bit limited in the size of antenna and how much power they can transmit at because everything has to fit in a neat little rectangle.

    But you can get a device to hook up to your car that will retransmit your signal at a higher power. With that you "might* be able to get a signal further out than you normally would.

    It would be useful for stuff like this of course but probably also just in general if you’re in an area with spotty service.

    I don’t have any particular brand recommendations or anything like that, I think WeBoost caught my eye as a pretty decent-looking option at first glance but I don’t know if they’re actually any good. They’re mostly a product I’m aware exists and I intend to look into more when I have some spare time and money because I camp and hike in areas with spotty reception a lot, but it’s pretty far down my to-do list, so you’re on your own for research right now.

  • Because they mostly all have terrible personalities and would find each other totally unbearable just like the rest of us do.

    They also generally don’t really want to date any sort of actual human that exists in the real world. They want to date a perfect parody of the opposite sex, incels are looking for someone who looks like Barbie (or whatever their idea of a perfect body type is, some go for a the petite almost childlike look after all) who wakes up looking like she just left the salon, who is totally subservient to all of his wants and needs, never speaks up unless it’s to stroke his ego, a perfect cook and maid, an oversexed freak in the sheets, who will bear however many children his twisted ego wants to inflict on the world but never gain a pound or show any stretch marks, wrinkles, or grey hair

    In short they don’t want to date a real person, they want a real doll who does their laundry and squeezes out children.

    And they’re convinced that these mythical creatures exist out in the real world but that someone is conspiring to keep them from them, because obviously they’re the perfect example of masculinity and why wouldn’t these perfect females be flocking to them otherwise?

    And I’m not certain exactly what sort of fictitious Superman feels are after, but the same overall sentiment applies.

    Or else they’re just deeply in the closet.

  • There’s no reason to arrest him, he didn’t break any laws.

    However, the NFL isn’t the government, they’re a private organization, they can tell someone that they’re banned from their properties and events just about as easily as you can tell someone that they’re not welcome at your back yard BBQ (as long as they’re not banning them because they belong to a protected class)

    They’re probably well within their rights here to ban them just because they don’t like what he did.

    However, I can almost guarantee you that with an organization as lawyered-up as the NFL he signed some sort of contact to be a part of the performance where he agreed to some policy or code of conduct or something that says in some way that performers aren’t permitted to go off-script like that, and not only can they decide to ban him for that but they may be able to sue him for breach of contract or something.

  • Went to a nudist resort with a couple friend last year, it was a great time.

    We camped out, I got there first and started setting up camp. I didn’t exactly have a solid plan but I was kind of figuring I’d set up my tent first so I’d have somewhere to leave my clothes, but it was one of those hot muggy days where the second you step outside your clothes are drenched in sweat, so after about a minute of feeling gross and sweaty unloading my car I decided screw it and ditched my clothes and immediately felt so much better.

    Also I’m pretty sure that literally everyone hates doing laundry. If you’re not wearing clothes you don’t have anything to wash and put away. It was pretty nice being away for a few days and having basically no laundry to do when I got home except the clothes I wore for the drive.

    Also all-around just a very positive experience. A lot of nudists aren’t exactly the kinds of people you’d necessarily want to see naked, I can pretty much guarantee that whatever you don’t like about your body someone there has the same thing or worse on full display. And once you get over the initial sensory overload you pretty quickly set noticing people’s bodies or the fact that they’re naked.

  • The average hamster lifespan in captivity is usually only something like 1-2 years, this guy lived for like 4.

    He was in rough shape towards the end, his fur was falling out, he’d pretty much set up camp in one corner of his cage and rarely left.

    Eventually my mom decided to take him to have him put down. I strongly suspect that we may be the only people to ever request that at the local SPCA

  • I got into painting minis over the pandemic when everyone was picking up new hobbies left and right with the reaper minis learn to paint kits

    I enjoyed them, but I have a hard time justifying buying minis unless I have an actual use for them, and since we don’t tend to use them in my D&D games, I went on the hunt for a game.

    And from there it wasn’t long before I settled on 40k. It’s probably about the biggest one out there, so I can always find someone who plays, I already have a small handful of friends who play it, and when I looked around at the options, they just kind of looked the most fun to paint to me.

  • I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know all of the minute technological or legal details about how and why our systems work the way I do. At the end of the day I’m a user of the systems, and not really privy to all of the technical and policy decisions happening behind the scenes.

    I believe that handset gps based location is part of the Next Gen 911 (NG911) standards that are in the process of rolling out. Different agencies and corporations that own and maintain the infrastructure are in different stages of implementing that in different places. I don’t really know what the timetable is on all of that is, if there even is one, I’m genuinely not sure if there’s any set in stone date where everything everywhere must be fully ng911 compliant by then.

    The handful of counties around me are definitely in different stages of rolling it out, my dispatch center has had text to 911 capabilities since well before I started there 6 years ago, and I’m pretty sure one of our neighboring agencies only got the ability to handle it within the last 2 years or so. Another neighboring county is or is about to get video capabilities, which we don’t have yet.

    I suspect that the current state of the regulations is that new phones must have the ability to send that gps data, but I don’t think it needs to be turned on by default, and I don’t think dispatch centers are required to make use of it yet, but again I’m not sure.

    The current state of it where I work is we get it on a lot of our calls but not all. It’s also kind of a hacked together system where it comes through on a web page and not directly integrated into our phone or CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) systems. I believe the new CAD we’re upgrading to will have it fully integrated, but last I heard that is probably still a couple years away.

    Phone networks are kind of a mess, countless different companies, contractors, and different levels of government, have all been working together (or sometimes against each other depending on your point of view) to patch together old legacy systems to the new stuff coming out- copper, fiber, analog, digital, cellular, satellite, VoIP, etc. And different levels of government have more or less funds available to them and allocate those funds differently, so the wheels of government, as they say, turn slowly. I work in a relatively wealthy county with a pretty large population in a highly developed part of the country, so we’re probably towards the leading edge of the new tech rolling out compared to some dispatch center in the backwoods middle of nowhere (I have had to talk to dispatchers all over the country and occasionally even in other countries, there are definitely some with better capabilities than we have, and there are also some where you get the distinct impression that you’re talking to one of two old ladies sitting in a trailer behind the police station sharing a carton of Virginia Slims and entering calls into a computer with a faded sticker proudly declaring that it’s Y2K ready.)

  • A lot of people as part of sleep paralysis, experience a sort of hallucination of usually a vaguely humanoid demon lurking over you or sitting on your chest. They’re a different experience but there’s some connection between dreams/nightmares and sleep paralysis, and lucid dreamers are somewhat more likely to experience it than most people.

    I’m very much in the same boat as OP as a nightmare-enjoyer, I don’t scare easily and kind of enjoy the adrenaline rush when it happens. When I have a nightmare

    I’ve only experienced sleep paralysis once, saw my sleep paralysis demon just kind of lurking in the shadows in the corner of the room. Didn’t really scare me, I knew what was going on, I just kind of sat there (not that I had much choice in that I suppose) and enjoyed the experience for what it was. Then as my ability to move returned and the demon just kind of faded into the shadows I pretty much just thought (that was cool) rolled over and went back to sleep.

    My demon was also kind of boring, just a vaguely human-shaped patch of shadows that kind of stood out from the rest of the shadows in the room, and it pretty much just stood there watching me.

  • Hanging up will send your info to them and they will call back to make sure there isn’t an emergency.

    911 dispatcher here

    This will depend a bit on agency policies and technological capabilities as well as what emergency info you’ve filled out on your phone and unable to be shared in an emergency call

    At my agency we get a lot of butt dials, our policy for hang ups or open line calls from a cell phone is that as long as we didn’t hear anything suspicious (someone yelling, gunshots, etc) we will usually disregard the call. If we have an open line we’ll listen for about 30 seconds or so and if nothing sounds off we’ll disconnect and continue about our day. If something sounds fishy we’ll stay on the line/call back, and we’ll send police to the area if we have a good location.

    There’s a couple exceptions, like certain wifi calling or femtocell setups are treated as being from a landline because we have a solid address, so we’ll always dispatch police unless you stay on the line and confirm that there’s no emergency.

    And our discretion comes into play a bit. We might ignore 1 or 2 hang ups from the same number, especially since the calls may not even ring through to the same calltaker so it may not be obvious we’ve gotten multiple calls until we’ve gotten a good handful.

    Different agencies policies on that will vary. I know one of our neighboring counties will always send police to the area when they get a hang up whether or not they heard something suspicious.

    And as for the information that’s shared, by default all we get is your phone number, carrier, which cell tower it hit off of, and an approximate location based on cell tower triangulation (which is kind of hit or miss, sometimes it’s really accurate, other times it’s basically useless)

    If we need to we can contact the phone provider to try to get subscriber info. That can take a while and can be hit or miss too, like if you haven’t updated all your information with them, if you’re on a family plan with other people, or if you’re using a smaller provider that is really just reselling Verizon/T-Mobile/AT&T service, it can make it a little hard to accurately track down who actually owns that phone.

    If you’ve called recently, we can try to look up your information from priors on your phone number.

    If you’ve filled out your emergency/sos info, and enabled it to be shared with us, we can access that, It also often gives us access to a more accurate location for you, but otherwise we only get what you’ve put in there. If you haven’t kept your name, address, emergency contacts, medical info, etc. accurate and up to date there, that’s another stumbling block for us. We can sometimes work backwards from what info is there, if we have your name and age we can try to narrow things down, but if you have a common name it can be hard to tell which 27 year old John Smith is the one who called us.

    Do with that what you will, fill out your emergency info or don’t depending on what you’re comfortable sharing with us, consider how it might be used to save your life if you’re, for example, in a car crash and too hurt to speak to us, or how an oppressive government might use it to track you down at a protest (from 911 we can’t just access data on random people’s phones unless they call us, and we can only request a ping on a phone number from your phone company under certain circumstances, and that’s a bit of a process and all it returns is your location based on cell tower triangulation, which again isn’t always very accurate. Police and certainly the feds have a bit more leeway than we do, though I don’t know the extent of that, and if they set up a stingray or similar device I have absolutely no idea what they might be able to access)

  • I’d like some PC support for HDMI CEC

    My use case is a bit niche, my PC is hooked up to my TV and AV receiver.

    My tv, av receiver, and even certain game consoles all talk to each other well enough through CEC controls that I can do a lot from a single remote, and not even a fancy pants universal remote, just the one that came out of the box with my tv. It was a little mind-blowing when I realized I can more or less navigate the menus on my PS4 with my TV remote. The TV remote turns up the volume on the AV receiver, most of the inputs on the receiver, depending on what’s hooked up to them, will come up on my TVs input menu, the TV will wake up the PlayStation when I go to that input, etc.

    I’m aware that CEC is a bit of a mess with how different companies implement it, but personally I’ve been lucky and a lot of it has worked pretty much out of the box for me.

    Mostly I just want the volume controls on my keyboard to control the volume on my AV receiver.

    I recently got a pulse eight dongle that I think in theory will let me do that, but it’s not exactly the most intuitive thing to configure.

  • We need the old timers running the party to step aside. Give up the reigns, retire when they’re able and let younger blood fill their seats, or give their blessings to 3rd parties and choose not to run against them (and preferably without outright endorsing them either so the Republicans have a harder time making the claim that they’re just the same Democrats wearing a different hat, just step aside, choose not to run a candidate, and let the new parties do their thing)

    We need younger people to step up. Run for office, call and write to your elected officials, show up to vote, demonstrate in the streets, etc. pay attention to politics (no one like politics except fucking sociopaths, but they’re part of how the world works, trying to ignore them because it’s boring or it makes you mad or whatever has the same kind of energy as pretending gravity doesn’t exist because you don’t like it when you fall and scrape your knees- you’re just going to get hurt even worse if you don’t take those basic forces of the world into account.)

    We need to take a step back and agree on a list of priorities. Ask 100 liberals/leftists/democrats what the most important issues are to them and you’re probably going to get 100 different lists. Climate change, LGBTQ rights, wealth inequality, healthcare, police reform, Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, homelessness, drug abuse, legalizing marijuana, raising the minimum wage, foreign policy, domestic surveillance, free speech, corruption, term limits, etc. just to name a few off the very top of my head

    And frankly, we need to pare that down to a handful of solid issues that appeal to as broad of an audience as possible and that we can agree that these issues are the most pressing and we must make real progress on right now because there won’t be a later, and we need to agree to suck it up on some of the other issues that need to go on the back-burner for now, especially since those issues don’t have as broad support yet and so trying to bundle them in with our overall policy is just torpedoing our efforts to make any sort of progress at all.

    LGBTQ rights for instance, they’re human rights, and they should be a goal that we’re striving for. We also don’t really have the popular support needed to get much done there, often even within our own “liberal” parties the numbers aren’t looking great. We should be proud of what we’ve accomplished and fight tooth and nail to hold onto whatever gains we’ve made, but we may need to walk this back from being a top-of-the-ballot issue and accept that maybe we need to deal with, for example, the climate catastrophe that is happening right fucking now and do whatever we can to prevent world war fucking 3 from breaking out in Europe first.

    And we can also claim some pretty significant victories for LGBTQ people if we just avoid framing them as an LGBTQ issue. If you slap an LGBTQ sticker on a law, CHUDs will come out of the woodwork to make up excuses about why it’s bad. But if you play your cards right and avoid their trigger words you might just be able to slip some healthcare, wealth inequality, education, and police reforms through that will both help LGBTQ people now (because a rising tide raises all ships) and pave the way for further advancements down the line (because a better educated populace with less issues of their own won’t feel as much need to make LGBTQ people their scapegoat for every minor inconvenience)

    Or if you don’t have the patience or will to do that, the other two options are

    1. Accept defeat. You live in maga world now, live by their rules or risk the consequences.

    2. Full-on revolution, no half measures, organize fast, hit them hard before they have a chance to do anything about it and rebuild the world better.

    I have no desire to live in maga world. I also don’t have any desire to live through what would surely be bloody revolution with no guarantees that the right people will come out on top, so I am really hoping people get the hell on board with plan A.

  • I contact every James Randi-type paranormal debunker that I can find and explain my power to them. I agree to all of their terms and agree to demonstrate it to them under whatever tightly controlled absolutely perfectly sterile conditions they want.

    And I do it for them, claim my prize money, and continue on with my life.

    My power is to summon a baguette, not unlimited baguettes, so I gotta make that one count and I think that’s my best to get the most bang for my buck.

    Or if I get to decide where exactly that baguette is summoned to, perhaps I will have it spring into existence occupying the same space as [REDACTED]'s brain stem. Having them out of the picture would greatly enrich my life.

  • Also US

    English of course

    I took a few years of French in middle and high school, not much of it stuck. A couple basic words and phrases, and if they speak slowly and clearly I can usually get the gist of what someone is saying and fake my way through some reading.

    The story of my French education is a mess, full of long term substitutes, substitute-substitutes, a sad lonely man whose spirit was absolutely broken by the kids who had him first semester before I had him and got fired a couple weeks before the end of the school year, and a lady who was absolutely baffled by the fact that her French 3 class barely spoke any French because the first 2 years of our French education was a total waste.

    A handful of Spanish words and phrases from middle school “exploratory” Spanish class for a couple months and working in a warehouse for a few years where I was one of only a handful of native English speakers, but nowhere close to conversational.

    And I’ve been teaching myself Esperanto, which has been going rather well. It’s hard to say how conversational I am because there’s not a whole lot of esperantists running around to chat with, but I’m reading at probably about a 2nd grade level, which is something I suppose.

  • If you have freezer space, buy meat that’s discounted because it’s going to expire soon and throw it in the freezer.

    Properly packaged (vacuum sealed is usually your best bet) the meat will last basically forever as long as it stays frozen. I’ve pulled frozen meat out of my freezer that was a few years old that was perfectly fine.

    It doesn’t stop the process of things expiring, it just kind of pauses it. If you throw it in the freezer 2 days from expiring, you gotta plan on using it within about a day or two of taking it out (although you can fudge it a bit, if it doesn’t look or smell weird it’s probably fine but do that at your own risk)

    My schedule works out that I can do a lot of my grocery shopping in the middle of the day during the week, and it seems like Tuesday or Wednesday is when a lot of stuff gets marked down at my local grocery stores, I assume their meat shipments come on Thursday and they’re trying to clear space for it. I pretty much just buy whatever’s on sale, and throw it in the freezer. Sometimes I even luck out and get some really premium stuff- I’ve gotten wagyu steaks, duck breasts, beef tenderloins, etc. Even marked down they’re a little spendy but I save them for special occasions (got a tenderloin I’m gonna pull out of the freezer for Valentine’s Day and make a Beef Wellington)

    And really, having a dedicated freezer is pretty great in general if you have space and especially if you’re able to shop around and buy in bulk.

    I also have a full sized deli slicer. I won’t necessarily recommend you buy one of those, but I got mine for free, so I’ve started going to a restaurant supply store and buying whole deli meats and cheeses. That can be a great buy if you have the ability to store it. I’ll slice down the whole thing and portion it out into 1lb packages, vacuum seal and freeze them, then I’m usually set for a couple months. I break the cheese down into 1lb-ish blocks to freeze and slice them down as needed.

    For lunch meat, making your own can also save you a bit of money and get you a better product. I’ll buy up some chuck roasts or those butterball boneless turkey roasts when I find them on sale, season and roast (or smoke) them to my liking, and slice those down. Miles better than the roast beef or turkey you get from a supermarket deli, and if you shop smart it’s a good deal cheaper. (Those butterball roasts, for example, are usually around $12 around me, and get you about 2 or 3lbs of meat after roasting it, 1lb of deli turkey is usually about that same price or more, and trust me, this is better)

    It does help that I work night shift, so on my days off I’m usually up by myself most of the night with nothing much to do except food prep.