This infuriates me more than anything else, but the Republicans were very clear on their intentions and were elected democratically.
It sucks that we don’t have a legit opposition party that actually cares about the poor and working class.
Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
ACAB, Anti-War, and I hate both Democrats and Republicans
This infuriates me more than anything else, but the Republicans were very clear on their intentions and were elected democratically.
It sucks that we don’t have a legit opposition party that actually cares about the poor and working class.
TBH, you’re only really hurting the owner, and you don’t know their situation necessarily unless you’re in close contact with them all the time.
Plus Teslas have security cameras.
It’s generally a bad idea.
Scott Galloway has a great, fitting joke about Dem leadership: “They sound like a bunch of geriatrics angry that jello night got moved to Thursdays.”
It’s true.
They’re just pretending. They’re all rich and have no real stake in changing things, just like when they ignored Obama brutalizing Occupy, or when they wore their African scarves and took a knee in the Capitol. It’s all just a game to make the meager four months a year that they actually work pass by with as little inconvenience to their luxury as possible.
You all make these arguments about every war that is, supposedly, going to turn into WW3 and have for decades.
Meanwhile, history tells us that not only are you basically always wrong, but usually we’ve sunk a trillion-plus dollars into a quagmire. In the case of Iraq and Afghanistan, it was several trillion, and you all told us that it would only take a few months to liberate Iraq and it would cost, at most, tens of billions. (Because that’s what Dubya told the news and your worldview is wholly based on what your preferred news program tells you.)
So no, I’m sorry, but you don’t get to pretend to be right here simply because your preferred news program and social media algorithm are assuring you that you are.
You’re not democratic. You don’t care about freedom. You’re just warmongers, and a less-than-ideal ending to a war is preferable to permanent war.
If that’s how it goes I’m perfectly happy to let them fight it, provided my tax dollars no longer have to be involved.
I think that, as with any war, there’s never a solution that’s going to please everyone.
Ending the war, by itself, is a good thing. That the US is getting mineral rights as part of the resolution is a great thing (at least for the billionaires) and that economic incentive will work to prevent any new outbreak of hostilities.
The last thing Dems should be doing right now is performative bullshit.
Hopefully they are active and interesting people.
Yeah, that person’s comment reads like a corporation blaming the individual because they don’t recycle enough, as if the individual’s recycling habits are in any way comparable to the widespread pollution corporations create.
Unless you’re a billionaire or willing to go player 2, you have no meaningful power to change any of this. What you do have the power to do is make your own little corner of the world slightly better, and everyone should.
No one with any real power to make meaningful change cares, because they’re benefiting personally.
I have a friend in NYC who searches his entire apartment every year or two because he had a few BTC on an old thumb drive. It is a bummer that he lost it.
I got some dogecoin at a one cent and sold it in the twenties, which was a nice little gain, but nothing huge like being an early BTC holder.
Is it still the same SJW hellhole it was a decade ago?
They have three choices: take out a lifetime of debt for a college degree and likely still not be able to find a job, get exploited for their labor because they don’t have a union (likely working for poverty wages), or fight in some foreign land to further America’s corporate power.
The fact is young people are working harder, for longer hours, more days a week than any since the Industrial Revolution. For that they get the privilege of barely surviving here in the US.
This isn’t their fault. They were born into the shitty country our parents and grandparents created for them.
Tax all wealth over $1,000,000,000 and use the money to increase the social safety net.
If I lost my car I’d be so fucked financially
My 80 year-old parents are in this situation. In April they will have been “borrowing” my car for an entire year, because no one will employ them and the gig economy is the only thing standing between them and homelessness.
I’m lucky to live in an area with good public trans, myself.
True, but in America, you’re far more likely to get an armed protest than a general strike.
Nothing will piss me off faster than people attacking the work ethic of young people in the US. These poor fucking kids are working 60-100 hours a week for the “privilege” of living in a roach-infested studio, likely with roommates, where our parents could afford a house, education, and family on 40 hours a week.
letting this food rot IS better than giving it to somebody for free
As Jesus intended.
It’s wild when a motherfucker like Jerry Moran is the one speaking sense.
This ‘you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists’ mentality is very Dubya. Kudos.