Agreed. Start stocking cans and shotgun shells.
Agreed. Start stocking cans and shotgun shells.
It’s not like Americans will get to vote again. The current system is done for.
Ah yes, the same type of alarmist rhetoric the dems were pushing during the campaign. If the stakes were really this high, why did democrats sit on their asses for 4 years while Trump gained power? Why was their legal battle against Trump the most limp-dicked effort we’ve seen? Most importantly, why did Biden peacefully transfer power to Trump if the stakes were truly so high? This is one of the funniest liberal thought processes to me: the idea that it’s better to sacrifice your constitution, country, and democratic process instead of sacrificing “civility”, “decorum”, and “precedent”. Yall would rather embrace fascism with open arms than use the most basic tools at your disposal: stacking courts, appointing judges, using executive orders, etc… you know, all the strategies Republicans have mastered these past few years and have shown are extremely effective.
At the end of the day, the Democratic party’s selling point was “harm reduction”, but that was generous at best. It has become clear that the democrats simply slowed down the rate at which things were getting worse, and when the position of the party becomes “slow down genocide” as opposed to “stop genocide”, I think it’s perfectly fair for people to draw a red line. The only logical conclusion to this line of thinking is reaching a point, 20 years from now, when the choice is between a Democrat who wants 9 genocides and a republican who wants 10.
What value do George and u/parking_war add here?
Sorry for being snippy. I do appreciate the post, it’s just funny to me how lately, a lot of memes are three levels of quotes deep.
How do you think fascism arose in Germany? Was it a complex process set forth by the treaty of Versailles, embarrassment after WWI, rapid technological advancement by Germany, instability from the great depression, instability in the Weimar republic, etc…
Or do you really think fascism just comes out of the aether when somehow millions of voters become “stupid” all of a sudden?
Fetterman is a great example of what happens when you put faith into any Amerikkkan government official.
Ukraine captured and publicly interviewed a pair of them.
Which, as the article states, Ukraine has kept from being interviewed by anyone other than the Ukrainian Presidential Press service.
I don’t see any evidence of DPRK soldiers from the grainy videos you’ve posted. For months now, we’ve been getting 1080p Ukrainian drone footage of hits on Russians with such clarity that you can make out the soldiers’ stubble. Why did this clarity suddenly disappear when Ukrainian and South Korean Intelligence started pushing the idea that DPRK soldiers were actively fighting?
That’s just a No True Scotsman. “The subset of democrats who vote in line with Republicans, thus making all other democrats’ resistance moot, are simply not real democrats”
So, you’re essentially saying this is normal for democrats? It’s normal for them to go to bat for republicans? How is that a defense?
It never ceases to amaze me how hard people go in making excuses for democrats.
The democrats are refusing to employ any of the government-breaking strategies the republicans just proved, over years as a minority party, can bring the government to crawl. Worse than that, they are enabling everything the republicans are doing. They aren’t even putting up a fight. They’d rather be “civil” and “the adults in the room” than actually stop fascism. They are controlled opposition.
Literally just show an ounce of retaliation.
I really love the burro. I hope to have some land one day in which I could make an expansive pasture for burro and friends. Seems like they love to be your friend.
If Costco believed that a move such as the one in the headline was a common sense, good for business strategy, then why did they draw it out over months and months of grueling union negotiations, probably spending untold millions on lawyers?
The union strong armed Costco into making this decision - as they should.
This is literally right off the back of Costco making these negotiations as difficult as possible for the union. https://teamster.org/2025/01/costco-walks-away-from-bargaining-table/
On top of that, this new move was so lackluster that a strike could still be on the table. https://www.npr.org/2025/01/31/nx-s1-5280640/costco-pay-raises-teamsters-union-threatens-strike
“Costco is still shorting their workers because nonunion workers lack the retirement security of a defined benefit pension plan and the job protections that come with a union contract,” McQuaid said in an email.
Companies are not things to love. The progress we see in this headline was because of the hard work of unions - NOT the goodness in Costco’s heartbeat
So you’re saying that democrats focused on catering to centrists for 2025, lost spectacularly, and the new strategy needs to be… catering to centrists?
The DNC needs to hire you. Something something, the definition of insanity is…
Im dying to know: what sort of voters do you think democrats were focusing on grabbing for this past election?
So why should Democrats listen to leftists?
What are you on about? Democrats, in one of the most embarrassing defeats in recent history, literally just made it clear to the world that they would rather lose than cater to leftists. Biden decided that carrying out genocide in Gaza was more important than defeating Trump.
This is not leftism. What you’re proposing is just a shiny new liberal party. This hypothetical new party would be subject to the same mechanisms and forces that corrupted the democratic party. Give it 50 years, and we are back at square one: capital will swallow any agency that your proposed party once exhibited.
I really encourage you to do some reading on Marxism and leftism before you throw around the term so carelessly. https://socialistworker.org/2012/07/20/what-is-a-vanguard-party
Decrying actual leftists for not participating in american electoralism that is wholley orchestrated by capital is going to fall on deaf ears. Leftists have no interest in creating a new capitalist party and subsequently refining capitalism.
All Biden had to do to secure a chance at winning was simply not commit genocide. Pretty low bar.
Thank God Biden managed to eek out the rest of his genocide before handing it over to republicans
Who is the richest sitting American politican?
Why do you simultaneously need analog video AND performance equal to a modern GPU? All of the old games in analog won’t demand modern GPU power.
If you had an open pcie slot (hell, even PCI might work) why not just throw in a second antique GPU with analog - which would run in parallel with your existing modern card.