Bruh, Trump is going to make them send the terrorists after us again. Make it stop lol
Bruh, Trump is going to make them send the terrorists after us again. Make it stop lol
Yeah, there’s already thousands of wells literally sitting idle because prices are too low. They drill them when they can get a good deal with the drilling company, and let 'em sit idle until the economics make sense, or until the infrastructure has been developed better in the area.
This is the way. I wish more people would accept what is quite literally only minor inconvenience in the name of starving these insane companies. We honestly have it so good in most of modern society, and some things are just totally optional imo.
Am I the only one that’s mid-30s, reasonably physically healthy, and only exhausted in ways that are unrelated to age? I don’t even work out that diligently and I eat like garbage half the time lol. I’m just eepy because of my emotional issues haha
Not even old enough for their car insurance to have dropped yet
This basically sums up a lot of right-wing BS. They want the drama and excitement of plain-truth facts being incorrect in the face of exciting convoluted conspiracy theories that nobody can prove.
I’ve already said this somewhere else, but I also want to avoid American products, as an American. Corporate America is responsible for basically all this bs imo
Yes, please do it. Since everyone of these conservatives bitched so much about fuel prices the entire time, it would be so freaking poetic. It’s not like the US can just ramp up gasoline production because refineries cost billions and take years to get going.
It will always be the Gulf of Mexico to me
As an American, I also plan to buy as little American as I possibly can for the next 4 years. Corporate greed and bribery is what won the election, after all.
Looking forward to driving a contraption that nobody can fix, that slowly gets worse range over time, and that totals itself when the battery goes. Gone are the times of poor people scraping by with cheaply repaired transportation. They will either have nothing or bankruptsy–no in-between.
We need standardized replaceable battery packs, right to repair, and even better; public transit.
Count me out until then.
The data never belonged to Open AI in the first place tho, did it?
I knew the concentration camps were coming, but just after ten days? Holy shit
I care because it’s dumb and petty, and I refuse to let dumb petty things get an easy pass.
China isn’t going to come get me because Trump and his cronies don’t like my lifestyle
Way ahead of you, Poland.
Or just stop being racist and an asshole altogether?
One person suggests not hiring people based on the color of their skin. Another person argues that this person does not show any signs of racism. What’s even going on anymore?
I had a similar argument the other day somewhere else. People seem to think you can’t be racist against white people, and argue that it’s not racism when they discriminate specifically upon the color of white people’s skin. Lemmy/Reddit/Social Media goes bonkers when you tell them that you can be racist against anybody regardless of skin color, as is the literal definition of racism. And they wonder why nobody takes them seriously on the opposing side of the political spectrum, when people in their own clique think they’re dumb as hell.
Thats fine, I’m just as happy being fully “anti-religon” for equality.