Trauma makes people do strange things. Given what his family went through with kidnapping and murder, it’s entirely possible that he started on that road thanks to a sincere desire to never see another person’s child get killed. What emerged from there may easily have started as blaming the people in his life that he saw either trying to push young men to go and die, or that he somehow blamed for the murder of his child. I can’t bring myself to hate the man - his turn from glory to agony was so abrupt that any clear voice in the midst of madness and pain probably seemed like something worth holding onto. It’s amazing what people believe when they’re grieving or traumatized.
To me, that’s when his death started. The Nazi sympathizer was just a dead man walking, a bereft father of a kidnapped and murdered baby, not the national hero who inspired a dance craze with his aeronautic feat.
And which alternative do you support?