a new player would probably buy current standard cards, which afaik has none of the cross over stuff, and not wotcs strange secret lair cards or the “universes beyond” sets.
i am not a fan of those either.
a new player would probably buy current standard cards, which afaik has none of the cross over stuff, and not wotcs strange secret lair cards or the “universes beyond” sets.
i am not a fan of those either.
its all over the place, but who says they have to adapt modern mtg story lines?
the weatherlight saga would make for a dope tv series or a couple of movies.
the gatewatch stuff up to war of the spark is mtgs avengers
the whole yawgmoth/phyrexia/fall of mirrodin stuff spans aeons and touches on multiple arcs in the lore
some planes like eldrain (sinister fairy tails) or the newer kamigawa (cgberpunk) would be a great backdrop for one off movies.
“Das Kapital” (kommentierte Fassung) anfangen.
ich würde mich über eine isbn freuen :)
Wenn ich ihn finde, frag ich ihn.
Notfalls kann unser Hippikomounenmörderatory mir beim verschwinden lassen helfen :)
niemals! Ich kämpfe bis mein Rückfutter äh Futterrücken gehöhr findet!
Futterrücken. Ich fühle mich gemobbt.
hmm habe noch nie ne Pediküre machen lassen, sollte ich vllt mal ausprobieren.
mainly java dev here:
if i only have few classes i want to serialize/deserilize i implement the logic for that in the class, if they need special logic for that, and implement the serilizable interface. writing objects to somewhere or reading them from somewhere belongs in a different class.
if i have a lot of classes or use a framework like spring i’ll employ whatever they offer for serilization and deserilization or more likely a databinding library like jackson.
other languages with classes or structs offer simmiliar options(pythons pickling and unpickling or the json package in their standardlib for example) so my approach would stay mostly the same.
gala?! bin ich in nem Wartezimmer beim Arzt gelandet? :D
never heard of it and assuming you mean streamlit.io
the framework itself seems quite nice, even if pretty much only tailored to presenting data in a good looking way, but i’d never run anything on their cloud service.
By making Provider Content available and/or accessible through the Service, Provider hereby grants to Company a non-exclusive, irrevocable, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, display, publish, perform, reproduce, distribute, copy, modify, and create derivative works of Provider Content in connection with operating and providing the Service.
yeah, no screw that i am more than willing to share code, but nothing more.
and it’s probably easier to find help for flask or django on the internet, both are well known frameworks that see industry use for years, where streamlit seems to be very young and less known(plus the aggressive pointing to there ‘free’ cloud stuff)
yep, turning this into a webapp using flask or django seems like a good way to learn more.
or obey the testing goat provide good guidance for someone getting into web apps with python.
obey the testing goat is more focused on teaching test driven development though, but writing good tests is a great skill regardless when you write them.
das ist genau was ein Mörderhippie sagen würde…
Für die Nudelchronik:
Ist besagte Freundin teil der Mörderhippikomune die sich in deinem Wald niedergelassen hat?
Da du damit vermutlich auch Teil der Mörderhippikomune bist: besteht hier kein Interessen Konflikt mit deiner Moderatortätigkeit in dieser nicht-Mörder-Hippie-Kommune oder ist deine Mörderhippiekomune offen für Nebenkomunen?
was sagt Kuh dazu?
we take humor quite serious in Germany, it’s no laughing matter!
it breaks the title rule, can’t be ich_iel.
!schnitzelverbrechen@feddit.org was my guess.
Opium heißt Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um.
wirklich eine Inspiration für die Jugend.
gefühlt hat archive.is/ph/… häufiger snapshots von aktuellen Inhalten, deswegen versuch ichs da zu erst.
wieso dein arbeitgeber die blockt kann ich nicht nachvollziehen, ich les nicht-arbeitskram aber eher aufm schlaufon während der arbeit als aufm arbeitsrechner.