if you’re hot-bunking, you can house 24 men in that structure.
3 shifts, only 8 sleeping at a time.
of course, this is rome we’re talking about… maybe we had some fellas cuddling up.
Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He
if you’re hot-bunking, you can house 24 men in that structure.
3 shifts, only 8 sleeping at a time.
of course, this is rome we’re talking about… maybe we had some fellas cuddling up.
be brave, and be prepared to misbehave - BUT, do keep this in mind:
If we are conspicuously loud and confrontational, it will cost us the element of surprise.
Civility can be flayed alive and left to die; swaddle yourself in its skin like camouflage.
Attempt to not tip off the enemies of democracy that they are ever in danger.
Be outwardly polite, if you can manage.
Smile demurely and humbly, if you can stomach it.
Wait for their back to be turned, if you can lull them into complacency…
Drag them to hell with taut piano wire, when you get your opportunity.
it happened with etcher, and then continued to happen with rufus. i didn’t even try dd flash mode at first.
what’s crazy is, it WORKED ONCE. ONCE!
I almost wonder if windows somehow detected that another OS ran on the silicon and said “ohhhh no you fucking don’t, FUCK YOU ONLY I GET TO BE YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM!!!”
… okay so uh
i’m probably gonna have to go somewhere more help-focused and immediate than this but
something weird happened.
i bought a brand new USB drive to act as my linux mint boot media and flashed the iso onto it.
it booted into the temporary instance easily! instantly! I started to install thinking i could just set up dual boot with the extant windows instance.
well… it got to the point where it said “hey wait you have to disable secureboot or you have to reformat your entire windows installation”
okay maybe i want to check ONE MORE TIME to see if there’s anything in this windows instance that I still want.
so i halt the linux mint installation process and go back into windows. I take one last catalogue of stuff i’d want to reference later, and then try to boot back into the linux mint live session straight from the usb stick
… nope.
it says ‘something has gone terribly wrong’ and ‘failed to load UEFI’ or something
but that’s not the thing that really spooked me because I thought I could go back into windows, reformat the USB key, and just re-flash the linux mint iso and start over from scratch
the linux mint iso can’t even FIT on it now
i can’t even reflash it
i … but … how do i even …
yeah that ancient Sony Vaio is loooong gone. it was manufactured in 2008 or something and was a hand me down from my aunt. we haven’t had it since like 2021
but i do have a laptop outside my main rig and I’m gonna try booting mint off an external drive just to try it out and see how i like the feel again!
i appreciate the encouragement _ you know, maybe. I’m haunted by this fear (I try to tell myself it’s an irrational one) that attempting to get into linux now would mess things up for me and that i’d end up stranded and unable to get back but … mint is admittedly VERY APPROACHABLE… hm. Maybe I can drop by staples and buy a spare thumbdrive, put a mint boot image on it, and try it on my battlestation today.
i tried mint on an old laptop for a little while and it was nice. i’m thinking of adopting linux for daily-driving when windows 10 stops being supported entirely. But i’m considering going with Bazzite when that time comes, maybe…
wow if we could just ‘liberal-jacket’ an array of wildly self-destructive behaviors maybe we can leverage the trash into taking itself to the curb
bruh that line is SUCH a fucking MOOD: “things they know less than nothing about”
it speaks DIRECTLY to how people THINK they know shit, but all they know is incorrect shit.
They literally have negative knowledge.
Hey you know what counts as both resting and productive in furtherance of your life goals?
Several times in the past few weeks, I’ve caught myself in a quandary wondering what I can do, but then realized, “oh. I can meditate.”
look. you have a lot on your mind. Letting that shit process is good for you. And you process it by sitting comfortably and letting your thoughts wander while you mindfully sit back and commit to
acting upon ANY of them right now.
This is their chance to stretch their proverbial legs and get some fresh air. You’ve taken them to the park. This isn’t anywhere but a park. This period of time is not for engaging tasks or running errands or indulging vices.
Focus on the quiet things. The sound and feeling of the air moving through the room, entering and leaving your lungs. Or just … your own heartbeat if you can actually feel it. Or just counting without a goal in mind. If you lose track, it’s ok. Losing track is actually the point.
Listen, fam, you were going to waste the time anyway. Committing to this is the opposite of wasting it because you made a choice. At least until something you definitely do want to do pops up. As long as you ‘can’t decide’, default to this.
What will eventually happen is your thoughts will come and go and you might notice that you don’t create them. Your brain is just generating noise and attempting to extrapolate it arbitrarily into various forms. Those forms are driven by your experiences, especially the more recent and/or intense ones. But you didn’t CHOOSE to ‘have thoughts’. The thoughts show up all by themselves. What YOU choose, as the observer process, is whether to entertain those thoughts.
This is how you access your brain’s proverbial ‘dev console’, and how you tweak the ‘settings’: your attention reinforces neural patterns. If you can mindfully select which patterns you wish to reinforce and which ones you will neglect and allow to atrophy, you also tune which kinds of concepts are more likely to show up more often.
everybody should really do this more often. it has helped me get a grip in some very wild times.
cancel culture has gone too far smh
People who haven’t worked retail, sales, or customer service don’t realize how staggeringly much of any soft-skills role comprises JUST figuring out what the fuck someone even wants or needs in the first place because they are so bad at articulating it themselves.
But, to be fair, everyone has their expertise in different areas and things that are common sense to me in my specialized role is completely unknown and novel to people who have entirely different sets of circumstances to deal with on a daily basis.
So yes they’re contextually stupid AND they’re also all too often socially stupid too because they are, via failures of rhetorical conditioning, primed to look down on “the help”. Their extant frustration in the face of unmet needs is, when filtered through an attitude of misguided narcissism, thus transformed into sheer distilled repugnance. The faux “status” posturing of capitalism makes fools of everyone interacting with it.
At the end of the day, the solution comes down to:
taking in the full breadth of the client’s situation,
distilling it down to its actionable components,
mapping out the vector of the conflict wherein needs are going unmet,
generating a set of actions that could each individually OR collectively address the conflict,
convincing them that this actually WILL solve their issue,
and then, most importantly, and finally: obtaining their willingness to PAY for it.
it’s a far more involved process than most salaried administrative-level keyboard punchers will EVER comprehend…
man i wouldn’t last a DAY there
i only “have clients” when i’m punched in, on the clock, being paid as we speak.
and that fourth sign, i used to honestly earnestly believe that in my past and it’s taken a lot of work to overcome.
i am dangerously tempted to remove that sign in rather spectacularly destructive ways.
… fuck me dead it’s infecting mammals now
and the current administration has shuttered the CDC and the NIH, and has withdrawn us from the WHO.
If someone accused you of being an internal combustion engine and their only supporting evidence was posting a wikipedia article about internal combustion engines it would be equally as irrelevant as you pointing at someone, saying “You’re a tankie!” and then posting the wikipedia article about tankies.
Actually I’m starting to feel convinced the Democrats saw “The Producers” as inspiration.
“You can make more money with a floploss than a hitwin!”
As long as they keep losing elections, they can keep making money disappear (via laundering it). They sop up all the donations and laugh all the way to the bank, burning LITERAL BILLIONS OF DOLLARS on their cousin-in-law’s “strategy consulting firm” and tons of completely ineffectual “vote blue” spam, and pay themselves six-figure “speaking fees”.
The solution isn’t to just stop voting, though. Voting is merely the least inconvenient, easiest to access tool in the toolbox and the people who left it unused are morons no matter how much ELSE they are doing ABOVE AND BEYOND that. Voting is the bare minimum; you have to do that AND local party organizing, civics, community engagement, nominating candidates for local races.
But if you don’t vote TOO, it’s like you neglected to wipe your ass. The stink follows you and embarrasses everyone with you.
I’m not gonna be equipped to make a nuanced and detailed take right now but in my experience hexbears are alright, fun to talk to, I can learn things from them, and at worst they’re spicy.
Actually, for that matter, I DO actually want to incorporate your point.
The problem is the proverbial horse died of thirst.
You’re right in that it’s not correct for me to simply leave it at “you can lead the horse to water but you can’t make it drink”, because the truth is SHE DIDN’T LEAD THE FUCKING HORSE TO WATER AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE!
She silently held up a sign that said “maybe water”
Trump held up a sign that said “no water for anyone except you” (which was patently a LIE, there was never any water at all with him) while also making beckoning noises and holding a sugar cube in his other hand.
The fact that the horse literally couldn’t even read in the first place doesn’t change the fact that she didn’t do her fucking job and that he used empty populist rhetoric to lure the horse to a place where there definitely was NEVER going to be any water whatsoever.
We tried to nudge the horse to where there might have been water. But it’s just a dumb fucking animal and wanted sugar cubes. Now it’s dead (and it didn’t even get the sugar cube it was being bribed with) and
yeah. We have better shit to do than keep beating this dead horse. It’s too late for it to learn anything.
So, departing from that metaphor, in a very real sense I’ve been making preparations to help people survive and perhaps someday even evacuate. Complaining about the circumstances is not the ONLY thing I’m doing, not by a long shot. But I do complain. Because I’m stressed and need to release the metaphorical pressure.
If you know of any mutual aid groups starting up to construct an underground railroad now that the horse is dead and we have to rely on ourselves, I’d sure like to know.
wow that’s cool! I was actually just joking but it’s cool that there was something like that going on!