• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t entirely agree, it’s shit because Google and Apple enable the practice by providing app Advertising frameworks and fighting back against people working against those systems (i.e. mobile ad blocking and app firewalls, either through store policy or public discouragement).

    Developers are incentivised because advertising both:

    1. Gives reoccurring revenue, beyond what a purchase would give.
    2. It makes people more likely to pick them up since people easily pick things up that are cheap or even free.

    Advertising basically takes away the need to sell stuff and allows poaching revenue from people even if they don’t want to support the app. I’ve known many Devs who will try to eek out more revenue by click fraud (auto clicking their own ads).

    So I’m not really a fan of implying this is our fault or “devs gotta eat too”. This practice is very much corporate greed.

  • That’s true, but the way they cut up the larger map environments into smaller ones to fit it in the DS’ smaller ram and the DS’ poorer touch screen sensitivity really made the game significantly worse, if not unplayable to an extent. I don’t think I ever finished it because it needed me to draw something and the game just wouldn’t recognize the shape I drew as correct because of the awful touchscreen. It was basically soft-locked.

    The lazy and poor plot was bad enough on its own but the technical problems I encountered were so bad the game was basically unplayable.

  • You don’t even need instructions on betting, betting or wagering is something that people can figure out on their own quite easily, the behavior is often demonstrated in real life in other non-gambling scenarios “I bet ya can’t climb that tree”, so if we assume a game about playing cards can be considered gambling, than the assumption that Playing cards themselves would also be considered gambling materials seems plausible, but it is meant to highlight the absurdity of the situation.