That first article quotes Obama trying to close it. From the sounds of it congress attached keeping the base open as a rider to another defense funding bill. That’s a common tactic I think
That first article quotes Obama trying to close it. From the sounds of it congress attached keeping the base open as a rider to another defense funding bill. That’s a common tactic I think
And what would have happened if he did it sooner? They would have kept stalling out out? I believe no matter when he did it out would have needed approval
And what they said RECENTLY too. They were not dredging up tweets from 40 years ago. If memory serves these tweets were within the year.
I agree whole heartedly, it could be done better. I’m just saying it isn’t complete garbage and if a little confusing still usable.
That’s totally possible, I haven’t seen any evidence that the US backpedaled on these though. Not saying they haven’t just that I haven’t seen anything and I’m far from knowing everything so take that as you will.
I only went back 5 days, maybe that’s a limitation for my mobile app, but yeah I also couldn’t find cause to say they can’t stop talking about race.
To add to this comment, it’s not hard to find any of this information. “States grouped into areas” scroll to find your state, or again ctrl+f. “Hard to find cities” thankfully living in my area and being somewhat familiar with said area I can scroll down the list and find farmers in my general area. Short of putting in my address and searching for ‘closest to’ which I hate anyway, this isn’t as bad an interface as op suggests.
I haven’t heard anything to the contrary and I’ve been trying to stay on top of this tariff fiasco
According to this Article China is retaliating so I assume they have gone into effect
You would be surprised what people have time to think about while browsing their phone on the throne.
If you think Ukraine consumes 100% of his thoughts then you are not giving puttin enough credit. He isn’t infamous because he is dumb, he is infamous because he is cunning, underhanded, and brutal in what he does.
Open source ai’s shouldn’t be training on art that isn’t given to them either, should it? I get lemmy has a hard on for open source. But “open source” doesn’t give people free reign to steal other people’s work. If the art is freely offered I bet these tools wouldn’t be run on them.
If I’m having a crappy day especially at work my answer is "Another day another dollar, how about you? "
I couldn’t care less about people respecting me. But why are they stupid comparisons in your opinion?
Getting a tad childish?
Yes, yes they do denounce seperating kids from their families at the border. I’ve talked about it and other things we don’t like about our parties, what they are doing, and why we still vote for them. How we all dislike choosing the best of two bad options. How maybe a ranked choice system would be better.
You think blindly following one party vs another is any better? No, you think you on your high horse telling them they are scum for voting one way or another is better? How many life long Republicans have you gotten to vote blue? I’ve changed several peoples minds by talking with them, hearing them out, and not just assuming they are terrible people.
I hear you, but not all Republicans support that. Are you a democrat, Do you support the genocide in Gaza? Are you independent? Then do you not care about either Gaza or kids being detained? Are you a different party? Do you agree with everything your pay does?
I also get everyone has something that will cause them to not be friends with people. That’s your choice and I’m not saying you have to be friends with people. Just don’t be a hypocrite and pick one, two, or five things and hate an entire group of people because of it.
I hate 30% of what Christians have done or stand for. It doesn’t mean I hate all Christians. But that is a choice that I have made.
I believe you are missing the point by latching on to one sentence and replying to that instead of the concept.
You are as wrong about them all being bad as they are saying all democrats are bad.
I mean, that’s just how people decide on who to be friends with right? I’m more likely to be friends with people that like camping and bonfires than people that like formula one. Do I have friends that like formula one? Sure.
I’m more likely to be friends with democrats but I do have a couple of republican friends.
I don’t understand this statement. Are your only friends people you agree with 100% on all things? That must get boring, what do you even talk about?
I have friends that voted for Trump. Not many but a couple. Am I friends with all Republicans? No just like I’m not friends with all democrats.
In order to radicalize someone, one of the first steps is cutting them off from people that disagree with what you are trying to teach/preach/say. When you pre emptivly do their cutting of for these republican friends/ family you are just leaving them in an echo chamber of hate/racism. Believe it out not, like what some others have said, not all republican voters are bad people.
Accounts receivable to get all those invoices the lawyers/auditors get people to pay
If you absolutely have a desire to do any of these artistic, repurpose or whatever with these: put them out 100 yards and put a bullet through the top of it to make sure there is no propane left in it
What proposal is that? I would like to spread the information if you have a link