Use Firefox.
This is the easiest problem to solve.
Europe didn’t send their best went they founded America…
How do you abbreviate a date in YYYY/MM/DD format?
In the DD/MM/YYYY format I can tell someone I am available to meet on 26/07; the year is known contextually as it only changes once a year.
If I start to tell people I am available 26/07 am I available for all of July in 2026?
I’ve read it.
Orwell was socialist my dude.
Ever read one of his other books Down and Out in Paris and London?
It helps explain why he is a socialist.
Considering that Peter Schmidt the man accused of sucking another man’s penis admitted that he, Peter Schmidt, did indeed suck a penis I’m not sure what other evidence you need?
Would you be more likely to believe it if self-admitted cock gobbler Peter Schmidt slobbered all over your knob?
Railing on the top bunk could be a hanging risk.
Depends on the type of cell they were housed in. May have been an observation or dry cell.
I appreciate the effort that was made to throughly clean the area to make sure the suction cup had strong adhesion.
Who are the individuals paying to commission this torture?
Definitely needs to be some investigation into the ‘consumer’ here.
How does it work if a member of the coop stops contributing their share?
I thought it was going to be erotic asphyxiation. Disappointing.
Generally you don’t have to say someone is not a monster if they are indeed not a monster.
Ulvade voted back in the same sheriff that was in charge at the time of the massacre.
No sympathy for people complaining there has been no accountability.
It’s an astroturfing campaign by the fascist right.
They’ve infected Lemmy.
American fascination with the idea that there are different human ‘races’ is bewildering.
It’s made up. The idea that there are different human races is a social construct. Just like gender.
Biden should be criticised for not demanding Israel stop unnecessary civilian deaths.
It seems like by this logic every western nation leader who hasn’t directly intervened to stop Israel is a fascist.
Plenty of countries have trade relationships with Israel and are funding their war indirectly.
What I have seen though is that as pressure is applied to Biden on this issue he is more likely to ratchet up pressure on Bibi to rein it in. The same could not be said if Trump were in office.
Again though I ask you, who are you voting for if not Biden?
No he isn’t and the fact you’re equivocating him to Trump is frankly ridiculous.
He’s a capitalist, imperialist, hegemonic proprietor. Sure. Fascist he is not.
Trump is literally a fascist. You’re damn right Biden has better optics…because he isn’t a fascist. So who are you voting for then?
Haha my bad and now corrected
How did the 78% tax on fossil fuel projects figure get arrived at?