• 29 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • So I read some interesting stuff on this recently, (ignoring that brain size isn’t as important as brain compelxity for intelligence) a lot of creatures that have big brains including our ancestors and elephants had/have most of the extra mass in regions related to memory. The theory goes that simply remembering where everything is and picking the most likely solution (e.g. the neares watering hole that you saw water at this time last year) is generally more effective than traits like creativity and imagination… right up until you hit a break point where you start making tools and seriously modifying your environment. As we developed agriculture we had less of a need to remember every little thing so while we didn’t get less intelligent we did end up with worse memories, possibly gaining an even greater degree of creativity in return as those parts of the brain became more valuable in the new self created environment.

  • So on both points:
    Recent studies have shown that the intermitency of wind and solar means countries with a high reliance on it are especially prone to gas price shocks, that issue dissapears if the country has a good amount of nuclear or hydroelectric in the mix.

    Regarding geothermal the UK, particularly parts of Scotland, are actually rather suited to more modern types of geothermal with a lot of hot dense rock at depths we previously couldn’t drill too but are now much more able to.

  • CheeseNoodle@lemmy.worldtoGaming@lemmy.worldTrajectory
    10 days ago

    I could never stand the way recoil works in counterstrike, in any other system your crosshair is moved around and its intutative to compensate for recoil, in counterstrike you just have to memorise the pattern in which the bullets come out of the barrel sideways.

  • Trinity always feels like a frame that despite the recent re-work is just too much from a different era of the game. On paper bless is an incredible support ability compared to something like wisps motes as it not only provides faster healing but also a full shield gate. And yet wisp is more popular because her motes provide in the moment healing which is far more relevant in the modern game where you’re either immortal or at risk of being one or two shot. It’s also far less reliant on the supporting player to monitor everyones health and hit the button at the right time.