I do this for pants, and work gives me 4 shitty office polos each year so I have the same outfit every day, no brain power wasted understanding fashion or worrying about dress codes.
I do this for pants, and work gives me 4 shitty office polos each year so I have the same outfit every day, no brain power wasted understanding fashion or worrying about dress codes.
Salty with a hint of Carlin.
He got very tired of peoples BS towards the end of his career, I hope Burr can keep up the energy, we sorta need it right now.
Its been three weeks… Three very long weeks…
You think thats funny?
Wait until biggusdickus hears about this.
Oh, good idea, which part? /s The part about the brutal indoctrination of the indiginous peoples in the new world, the part with the papacy in Rome was a bought position and caused war and strife in Europe for centuries, the crusades [checks notes] plural… “gosh yall did a lot of them”, or the more recent pedo stuff.
Which part of history of organizations and groups that use the bible as a core text should more people learn about?
(Apologies if that came off as too harsh, I have reasons to take issue with that point of view. If you want to truly debate this topic, feel free to DM me, be sure to bring your references. Also you seem to have just joined Lemmy, if you have site questions, feel free to ask as well, the community is actually quite decent.)
Its because George Lucas knew that inorder to keep the series rolling he had to attract the kids of the fans the films already had. In that measure he succeded, (looking at you Jar-Jar) the new films failed because they bring nothing new to the table and repeat the same formula from the original trilogy with all the bland “written by committie” the Hollywoo has been making as of late.
Ok internet, lets sing a song called “non-google alternative map programs”, ill start.
(I dont know the rest of the words… Halp)
psst guess where it likely wont be blocked… Peertube.
(Personally im not plugged in there, so I dont know how well it would handle it, but its a nice to think it wont be burried there)
Pesant: Ho Ho Muscle Wizard, cast us a mighty spell.
Muscle Wizard: I cast FIST!!!
[Queue massive explosion]
He also likely wont live long enough to see it. This is why old rulers are so short sighted, they know they wont have to live through the consequences of their actions.
Use a third party app like New Pipe, if your on a fruit phone… you unfortunatly cant side load apps, I dont have an answer…
Do be careful, those vehicles are covered in cameras. Arnt dystopias fun! /s
OP is right though, there are parts of the world where self defense is not as clear cut. The question you need to follow up with is “is this self defense against nature or people?”.
For example, there are places in the far north where polar bears are a problem, I doubt anyone other than Greenpeace would not have a problem with you shooting an animal attacking you. Its tragic, but by that point its not really avoidable.
The issue most of us have is the “defense against people” where lines get drawn, the problem is how inconsistent that line is. Im in the camp where survival is fine, and sport is conditionally ok, but outside that there are no ethical reasons to persue gun ownership, but others will say collections, historic preservation, or self defense are valid reasons. Culture has a lot to do with it, some places handle it well, like Switzerland, but the elephant in the room is America and their, I would argue very unhealthy, relationship with guns.
Then lets hope their paychecks in Dogecoin are worth retiring on. (Apologies internet, im really just being extra cynical today)
Then make 47 write the pardon, let it be a scarlet letter to never let this person work in tech again. Congrats 24 year old inter, your career is over when this administration is.
Too little, too late…
Security their has been compromised. This is not a level of trust that can be fixed with a ex-order or news bulliten.
Most of it… Last trip I took to Europe, I was staying in an airB&B in Iceland with a few friends, and it had a kitchen. I went to the Bonus (local grocer) and got bread, cheese, eggs, and butter and made a simple fried egg sandwich for breakfast every day. Best damn food ive ever made for myself.
We dont have good cheap bread state side, cheese product is most of whats on the shelves and Euro eggs were just better. It took about a week after coming home for random food items to stop tasting like plastic…
I understood that reference.
Well, go down the list of succession. How far down do we need to go to have someone capable of thinking and breathing at the same time? We all knew Vance was an insurance policy, he would need to be included, or atleast have his impeachment drafted when the ink on Darth Cheeto’s dries.