• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • And before that, it was DEI for the pro-slavery States. Back before black people and even women could vote, whites didn’t have numbers enough to win many elections, so they created the Electoral College and made it so that black people counted as 3/5ths of a “person” and slave owners could vote in the names of their slaves.

  • It is illegal, you’re right, but they want to destroy the legal definitions of many things so that they can write new ones. So suddenly, teaching kids about how their bodies work becomes “grooming”. Being anything other than a straight white Christian male makes you a “sex offender”. Reading anything other than the Bible to kids is “indoctrination”, and so on.

    They’ve spent many years and billions of dollars studying the power of language and ideas. They have framing the issues from their perspective down to an art form. If you control what words mean, you control debate and democracy.

  • This sarcasm doesn’t help. But to answer your obviously facetious question, no, I can’t fix everything. But what I can do, is consider that perhaps pursuing justice rather than manners might actually be “going high”. And if Republicans are going to break rules, I’m certainly within my rights to bend them. We can all agree that “The ends justify the means” is a shitty moral philosophy, but you liberals tend to overcorrect to the point where thinking about the ends at all is -in some vaguely reflexive kinda way- innately immoral.

    And I’m not the smartest guy in the world, but even I know there is a moral imperative to disobey the rules when following will not lead to justice.

    I can also call a fascist, a fascist. Instead of simply requesting that the rules be followed, and trusting that fascist ideas will be voted against, we should do to fascists, everything that they would do and have already done to us.

  • So, more like a sortition system, like how most Western courts select people for jury duty. Now that I think about it, it probably could work. We have wonders of technology that were once the realm of science fiction. These technologies could be leveraged positively in a communist system, I believe. AI in particular could solve things like the Numbers Problem. In a moneyless society, resources are allocated according to what is most necessary. I once watched a video where a problem was asked of the viewer. The scenario is as follows:

    You are now the leader of a communist country. All markets and prices and money have been abolished. You want to build a train between City A and City B. There is a mountain between the two cities. You have two options. Option 1: Build a tunnel through the mountain, and Option 2: Build the track around the mountain.

    1 will require less steel, but will take more manpower, as you will need more engineers to design and construct the tunnel.

    Option 2 will require less manpower, but far more steel. That steel may be needed for other things, like appliances, medical equipment, homes and hospitals.

    So, how do you prioritize resources? How do you know what your fellow citizens value more as a society?

    You could do a survey, but then you run into the Numbers Problem. Your country has a lot of people. That’s a lot of survey responses. You’ll need nearly all of the available manpower in your country to sort them all. But with AI, that might not be necessary. The algorithm could collect all the responses and then output solutions to resource allocation based on those responses. To do this would require a massive surveillance network, though. People would no longer have much in the way of privacy.