It’s not a dispute. The name is properly The Gulf of Mexico.
It’s not a dispute. The name is properly The Gulf of Mexico.
Well that escalated quickly. Now we’re married, happily ever after for the next 3 decades.
Snailnta Claus! So happy! Much Merry!
smae. I guess we’ll never be billionaires, nor corporations. And that’s ok.
How much of the food will have spoiled by then? Blame the GOP for all the mortality and morbidity they are causing.
Wow, and now look! There’s trees everywhere. Good job. Welp, let’s get some rakes and clean that stuff up.
On the other hand Lupercalia has a long standing history. Sacrifice a goat. (just getting some snaks together for the party). Run a race, good fun and competition. Consensual spanking with goat skin whips, good clean fun.
something like the case numbers? But hey, in both cases not all of those bites were fatal. ;-)
Have you ever considered using what few measely dollars you have in support of local businesses, and people? Microloans? Stuff like that.
YEah, fire season is coming on fast. smh. And of course this will also be drumpi’s fault.
Never let any one of them live this down. Let them go to their graves shamed and hated.
Is Archive.org keeping these records? I think they are.
LoL, bye bye. Not sad, tho’ we’re building a whole new place here in Fedi-land! Whee!
To fit the poetic meter, and rhyme, I want this to be “Sugar is C12H22”. I know it’s wrong, I’m so ashamed.
"…but this is billionaires, and American corporations as a whole. " FTFY. I’m not a corporation, and neither are you.
Actually no, it’s being heard of right now. And it continues in it’s massive, intended incompetence. smh.
And that’s why I can never go to the IHOP ever again.
I like both of those options. Por que no los dos