I’ve been slowly increasing the number of challenges I play with, but I always get stumped on how to work around on diet. Does chalice of blood work even when starving/hungry? Does ring of haste effectively increase how much you are able to explore before going hungry? Is it more efficient to craft pies or not? Thanks!

  • CrayonRosary@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    No, chalice doesn’t work when starving. It augments the natural healing from being sated.

    Yes, Ring of Haste and also Glyph of Swiftness cause you to be less hungry because it takes fewer turns to walk around.

    I would not craft meat pies because then you’re basically eating three pieces of food all at once instead of spacing them out. You risk being at full health and wasting the healing from them. It sucks to eat food when low on health, being nearly one-shotted by some attack, needing to use a healing potion, and then wasting the healing the food would have given.

    The satiety from a meat pie is exactly equal to that from the component foods, except having the well fed buff makes you heal a little more than being sated normally does.

    I’ve done On a Diet, and after a while you just don’t worry about food and eat healing potions instead. The food becomes a nice bonus to stop the hunger pangs for a while. The Recycle spell is your friend here.

    You can also craft Honeyed Healing and Aquatic Rejuvenation. The latter is really good. You heal +3 with every step in water, and the buff only runs down when it’s healing you. It doesn’t expire with time. With my meager testing, it’s basically two health potions. I was nearly dead, slept in a puddle until full health, and still had half of the buff left.

    • Vencedor@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Meat Pies are good if on low health and starving. You most likely won’t waste regeneration, as you are low health, and you get regeneration you don’t get elsewhere. It’s like eating those foods but you also get free health. Ofc, don’t take it on full health, you’ll waste it

      • Drakokam665@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        One more thing to consider are “on eat” effects… In some situations I’d rather have 3x8 turns of recharging and a bit of alchemical energy in place of healing (as a mage)

  • JASD@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The strategy about On diet depends on what ohter challenges you are current playing. if you are playng only with it activated, here some tips - -General disclaimer: Dealing with starving it’s about buying time, at higher levels, hungry it’s not a problem.

    *Clearense Potions transformed in the alchemy pots make you fully no-hunger; althoug this is a “expensive” strategy because you have to find or craft these type of potions, and sometimes you have to use them for the gas-room puzzle. The trade-off it’ not the wrost thing since the reward of this rooms are mainly a bit of gold.

    *Avoid unescessary damage!- Even in On Diet challenge there’s a enough food in the dungeon to make your runs if you became healthy, the hunger starts to not be a problem when you are high level, because you have also a high hp, and the damage of hunger do not increase. One step for this is to take down enemies whitout beeing seriously wounded. Try to use enviroment elements such traps, loose enemies by circulating a pillars or grass and using a thrown weapon.

    *Plants are your friends- Plants are a quitting op in this game, they can do literally anithing for you if you know how to use it. if you are low hp and starving use the pink seed (i dont know the name in english) to craft the clearense pot, or the sungrass to passive heal you in a safe place like gardens, boss levels or crystal-lock rooms.

    *Waterskin- Waterskin it’s pretty good to deal with hungry, because it’s an alternative way to heal yourself and save food without using HP pots, because healing pots heals you more than the HP you currently have, so it’s more effective use it in combat.

    *Craft the Pie- as I sad, dealing with starving it’s about buying time, a time that you don’t have at early levels, Pies do a thing that only HP wells, Ankh or exotic clearence pot does, make you fully oversasciated, and saves you a bit of hp and time.

    *Ankh- Use Anhk to reset your character, go back to the last boss-floor and die, these levels are totally safe (after you defeat the boss) you will leave that place with fully hp and no starving;

    *Hp-Well- Well of HP it’s a pretty good thing to reset your character whitout use ankh, and yet purifies your equipment, try to use all your undintified equipment before going in it;

  • Oneser@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    The warlock’s satiety skill (after beating the 3rd boss) pretty much nulls on-diet, but getting there can be hard.

    Otherwise for me it’s always been trying to significantly reduce the number of steps per level. I’d be interested to hear other’s opinions here.

  • [DEV] Snail@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Bland fruit with a green seed. I agree with making meat pies. The Chalice transmuted from Boots or another artifact avoiding risk of death. Brewing random seeds may provide extra health potions. Wand of Growth in the gardens.

  • Drawtolife@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I just love it when i get the Horn of Plenty early game and I’m on a high challenge run with on diet.