I’m looking for a preferably non-web wrapper podcast player for Windows, that’s preferably also open source. Having a tough time though. Any tips?
Have you tried gpodder? https://gpodder.github.io/
+1 for gpodder, and of you have a Nextcloud, you can sync your subscriptions using an NC plugin that I can’t remember the name of.
Gpodder Sync
Thx kind stranger.
Cool, too bad I shut down my NC server a while ago…
I did check it out earlier but feels a bit clunky that it must run the audio stream in a separate program. This means it’ll inherently lack some functions like going back or forward 15 seconds with the press of a button as this is a function mostly inherent to podcast players, not e.g. VLC. Not the biggest issue but still.
I think VLC skips a number of seconds using the arrow keys when the window is in focus, though I’m not sure if the duration can be changed?
KDE Kasts has windows builds
Though I only ever use PocketCasts in my phone
Pocketcasts has a app(read:web wrapper) for Windows if someone has their Plus variant. But sadly, subscription model for podcasts is useless way to go.
Ah see I was grandfathered in as a lifetime member from before it was purchased by NPR and then sold off…
At some point I’ll probably switch to something like AntennaPod, but it’s just such a great UX.
Always nice to meet a fellow grandfather.
In forcing myself to use open source. Antenna pod is the best in that category but man does it lack most of what pocketcast can do.
Yeah I don’t really get why I should pay like $20, or even more, yearly, for a service that just serves free podcasts, and where the money doesn’t go to the creators at all. I like sync… but that doesn’t justify the price.
Probably not what you want, but BlueStacks might suit. For poddies alone it might not be worth it, but if you have other uses as well it might be worth it. (For example, eBay’s $5 discount for ordering with the app.)
You were thinking about me emulating eg. AntennaPod? Thanks, I’ve used it before but it takes up a lot of resources and feels a bit sluggish
Yeah that’s right.
I have a ten year old i7 with 16gb so I don’t notice it much, but anything less would feel the pain. And yeah it can be slow in some apps (grid connect) yet flies along with Zen pinball.
mpv. it plays anything.
Pocket Casts is great and open source
That’s web, though. OP says they don’t want web.
Not sure what you mean? https://pocketcasts.com/downloads/windows/
Whoops, I just assumed that since I used the web version on Windows, that was the only version available for windows. I had never even checked. Thanks!
That rarest of all creatures, someone admitting they were wrong on the internet
Trying to be the change I want to see in the world.
Grover podcast and fluent cast. Both are nice native apps. Neither is open source though
Have tasted them both and they are good. Too bad they don’t have syncing
Grover Podcast seemed promising, too bad it’s not open source. Might run with it either way if I can’t find anything better.