Fuck wealthy assholes that think their opinion is more valuable than the rest of us.
And fuck a system in which their opinion’s correct
It’s called a plutocracy … a system built on power and those who hold power.
Whatever it is … it isn’t a democracy.
When people talk about the illegitimacy of democracy under capitalism, this scarecrow and her late husband are why.
How can democracy co-exist in an economic system where orgs are run like dictatorships from the top down, and individuals hold more wealth, power, and influence than entire nation states — despite those orgs employing, and being dependent on, thousands or millions of workers?
I’m no fan of capitalism, but this type of electoral dysfunction seems to run particularly deep in America. There’s many other democracies in capitalist nations that have the basic sense to treat such brazen bribery as a crime.
Poor wording, consider “in which they’re correct”
It’s not. At the end of the day, their vote is still just one of many.
Fucking vote. Get your friends to vote. Volunteer for a campaign. There are a ton of liberal groups that call people or knock on doors to get out the vote.
The only thing she has is money which hires… people to get out the vote. Commercials, endorsements, etc. none of that was enough to get Hillary elected. GOTV is what works. Fucking do it.
Citizen’s United means it literally is
Exactly, for all literal and realistic practical purposes, their opinion is absolutely more valuable than the rest of us. It’s not that they “think” it is, it’s a simple matter of fact.
and yet their necks are all roughly the same size as everyone else’s.
How very curious.
It will go down as one of Republicans most favorite rulings and also the worst ruling the scotus has made… (Insert homer and Bart meme: worst so far.)
Why vote when you can just buy an entire candidate?
They don’t buy the elections. There are way too many people watching the integrity of elections at least at the lower levels. This is why they have to gerrymander things and try tricks like voter ID laws.
Well step 1 is wage slaves need to stop worshipping these clowns. Won’t solve the issue but ateast reduce their ability to sway public opinion.
Seriously - how can any person be so brazenly and thoroughly warped?
I can only assume that, like so many of the fabulously wealthy, she’s profoundly mentally ill, such that she really can’t grasp the enormous human cost that fulfilling her petty, selfish and ultimately pointless desires would entail. It can only be the case that she genuinely can’t grasp the fact that the millions of people who would be made to suffer or die for this are actual people - actual beings with lives and loved ones who are every bit as important to them as hers are to her.
It’s either that or she’s genuinely evil, in the purest sense of the word, and on a scale the world has rarely seen.
So which is it Ms. Adelson? Are you insane or simply evil? There’s absolutely no doubt - none at all - that it’s one or the other.
She’s a billionaire. She’s used to killing people for selfish interests.
To get that rich, one needs to be able to think of other people as things. “Human Resources” as such.
If other people are things then there’s no moral problem “decommissioning” them be it redundancy or killing.
What would make her evil is, if knowing this, she makes no effort to mitigate it. Given she’s a billionaire: evil.
She knows. They all know. They just don’t care. Because they are evil shits.
So which is it Ms. Adelson? Are you insane or simply evil? There’s absolutely no doubt - none at all - that it’s one or the other.
Original title: Miriam Adelson’s Unfinished Business What does the eighth richest woman in the world want?
The article shows how aggressively anti-peace she is and her beliefs about the land to support the above claim
Sheldon Adelson’s widow. yeah, this all makes way too much sense. Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient in 2018, from #45. The wikipedia pic of her shows #45 solemnly placing the medal around her neck.
Sheldon Gary Adelson (August 4, 1933 – January 11, 2021) was an American businessman,[2] investor, political donor, and philanthropist.[3][4][5] He was the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Las Vegas Sands Corporation, which owns the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, and the parent company of Venetian Macao Limited, which operated The Venetian Las Vegas and the Sands Expo and Convention Center before selling the properties in early 2022.[6] He owned the Israeli daily newspaper Israel Hayom, the Israeli weekly newspaper Makor Rishon, and the American daily newspaper the Las Vegas Review-Journal.[7][8]
Adelson created the Adelson Foundation in 2007, a private charity focusing on healthcare and support of Israel and the Jewish people. He was a major contributor to Republican Party candidates[9][10] and was often dubbed a “kingmaker” due to the size and frequency of his donations.[11][12] He and his wife Miriam Adelson were Donald Trump’s largest donors, providing the largest donation to Trump’s 2016 campaign, his presidential inauguration, his defense fund against the Mueller investigation into Russian interference, and the 2020 campaign.[13][14][15][16][17][18] He was also a major backer of Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[19]
In 2020, Forbes listed his net worth as US$29.8 billion.[20]
He died in 2021
If anybody reading this is voting against Biden because of Palestine (effectively a vote for trump under fptp) these are trumps #1 fans and bill payers
Pro trump is not pro Palestine.
This article should make it even more patently clear to everyone that the situation in Palestine would get much worse if Trump wins.
A vote for Biden is also a vote for israel.
Have you already forgotten that under Biden israel committed the largest land theft in the West Bank in a long time?
Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure since 1993 during Blinken visit
That’s like saying Trump gets credit for everything that happened under his term even if somebody else did it, like the vaccine developed in Germany getting first to market
But no, that’s not how it works, unless you expect Biden to go in with the US military and declare war on Israel’s government
I expect Biden to put sanctions on israel and withold weapons when they violate war crimes.
Biden has also not undone Trumps move of moving the israeli embassy onto stolen land meaning Biden is on board with it.
Trump gets credit for the Zionism during his term, Biden gets credit for his own Zionism. Or need you be reminded that Biden openly calls himself a Zionist?
Are you expecting Biden to send the US military to enforce actions like that? How else will he make it happen on ground controlled by Israeli security forces without permission from Israel?
He canceled the previous veto policy;
Direct sanctions
Has in fact already withheld weapons (yeah it should’ve been done earlier, but Trump is the kind of person who’d make a point of supplying more).
GOP, Trump’s party, want to enforce continued weapon sales to Israel and prevent Biden from halting it
do we have a punchable faces sub yet?
Funny how you can basically buy those. Just gotta be filthy rich and ethically bankrupt.
I mean… is it really anti-peace if she wants to end the war? Generally there’s peace for a while after someone completely wins.
Would people who supported the US joining WW2 so they could wreck the Axis be anti-peace?
Things to ponder.
The eradication of millions of civilians is definitely anti-peace.
A similar situation would be the US joining WW2 on the Axis side. I mean once Britain, France, Russia, China, and the Jews were finished off, there’d be peace for a while right?
Ponder what unconditional support for Israel would mean for Palestinians in our current landscape.
You joke about the WW2 thing, but yes, that would have resulted in peace as well. Peace is peace, regardless of who wins.
There was peace after Genghis khan conquered most of Asia too.
I don’t ponder what unconditional support for Israel would mean for Palestinians in our current landscape, it would mean them being displaced to neighboring countries. Almost exactly the same as is happening in a half dozen other areas of the globe right now. You could displace every single Palestinian and it would still cause fewer refugees than the current number of refugees from Syria’s civil war, which has killed over a half million people.
I haven’t heard of a single university protest over Syria though.
Lots to unpack, let’s hit the big ones. Do any means justify peace? Is mass murder of entire countries okay because it would result in less overall friction afterward? How long does peace need to last after for it to make it worth it?
Displacement. Is it fair to the people who have lived in a country for generations to leave because of other’s actions? Moreso, many of them currently /want/ to leave (really really bad) but can’t, what should they do? And also, how is that fair to neighboring countries, they’re just required to take in refugees because Israel wants more land? (What if there weren’t neighboring countries?)
Finally, (please educate me), are universities very invested in Syrian companies/industries? That’s what the current protests are about, divestment from Israel. Are you required to care about all atrocities in order to care for one? What line marks which bad things in the world protesters should inclusively be knowledgeable about?
I’d argue that if Israel is attempting mass murder, they’re absolute shit at it. Sure they’ve killed a couple of tens of thousand Palestinians, but there’s something like 5 million of them, they’re having babies faster than Israel is killing people.
As for Displacement, most Palestinians haven’t lived there for generations, a lot of the current population comes from immigrants/internal migration from the surrounding region during the British Occupation, and also from the wars (Egypt owned Gaza for 20 years after the british left) The population of Palestine has grown so fast in the last 30 years that the median age is 19.6 (https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/#:~:text=The population density in the,2%2C311 people per mi2).&text=The%20median%20age%20in%20the%20State%20of%20Palestine%20is%2019.6%20years.)
How is it fair to neighboring countries? You mean the ones that invaded Israel because they weren’t happy with the UN drawn borders after the wars? The ones that occupied those territories and brought people in? Most of the people are THEIR people to begin with.
If there weren’t neighboring countries, Palestinians wouldn’t exist. They would have been removed entirely 70 years ago without the invasion by those arab countries.
Most universities aren’t heavily invested in Israeli anything… Israel only accounts for something like 40 Billion in total foreign direct investment, while Canada, the US, Mexico are each measured in Trillions of dollars. Unless a specific university went out of their way to pick up an Israeli-attached portfolio, it likely accounts for less than 1% of their total investments.
Here’s a quote from the encampment people at my local university with their divestment demands: the university leases space to a marine company that has in the past helped produce equipment for Israel, the university has $4.3 million invested in Blackrock (a global asset management company) that in turn invests part of its funds in companies like Lockheed and Boeing which have relations with Israel, and the university has 250k invested in Scotiabank, which is in turn an investor in a single Israeli weapons company. The total endowment for this university is over 500 million dollars, so less than 1% is invested in companies that are themselves only partially invested in Israeli-attached companies.
If a fraction of 1% is enough to cause an encampment, then yes, there’s likely some Syria-attached companies in the mix there too and nobody gives a shit about that (and it’s been actively killing more people per year than Israel for more than a decade)
How long will that rate of death last when they’re also causing mass famine while controlling the borders? You know starvation can cause number of deaths across a population to skyrocket, right?