Technically, they just say that a Wagner linked Telegram channel said it got shot down. They’re probably waiting for better proof/additional sources before they take the full step of saying it was shot down themselves (at which point I think it’d get added to the headline).
Lotta windows in airplanes.
Tragically the plane crashed into a surface to air missile.
Edit: yeah, this is actually what happened, no subtlety here, damn.
Like, fucking literally.
“Crash” my ass, BBC, you say it got shot down in the article, how is that not a more accurate and sensational headline?
“Prigozhin got blown the fuck up, like everyone knew he would the moment he pussed out, the Nazi coward.”
He needed to take Moscow, only chance he had to survive.
Technically, they just say that a Wagner linked Telegram channel said it got shot down. They’re probably waiting for better proof/additional sources before they take the full step of saying it was shot down themselves (at which point I think it’d get added to the headline).
So he fell out of a window created by a surface to air missile.
Totally an accident of course
I didn’t know airplanes couldn’t handle their polonium.
more windows are reserved only for stauncher enemies.