I’ve tried to search for opinions on what’s going on in Ukraine, but most posts are incredibly old. I’m not too educated on the matter myself (well, aside from keeping up most of the time with what cities are under whose control and all of that). I haven’t really heard much about the geopolitical side of things, and it’s hard to know what’s disinfo or not; That’s why I’d like to ask: What is your stance on the Ukraine war?

  • Qoryneform@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    it’s an inter imperialist war, and if ww1 taught us anything it’s not to side with any imperialists. even if you think it’s a “lesser evil” they all want to control the whole world. their ambitions are to eat eachother & everything else

    • El_Schnorro@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      fr, the main enemy is at home. It’s the task of the workers in the West to dismantle NATO and Western Imperialism. It cannot be defeated by losing an inter-imperialist war. If two imperialist camps fight they may establish a new imperialist hegemonic power but it’s not in our interest to just change the imperialist powers but to abolish them.

      The only way to achieve actual peace in this war is for the working class to unite against the ruling class. Unfortunately, the “left leaders” and so called “Communist parties” in Ukraine and Russia commit to a disgusting Burgfriedenpolitik just like the Social democrats did in WW1 supporting their national bourgeoisie in agitating the working class to commit fratricide.

      The same disgusting position is held by many so called “leftists” in the West just with the exact same argument of the SPD in WW1 to “spread progressive politics” via imperialist domination of “totally more reactionary and evil than us” Russia.

      There isn’t a good side in this conflict. NATO doesn’t care about Ukraine they just want to weaken Russia and Russia is trying to defend their imperialist ambitions. Anyone having any delusions about Putin being a genuine anti-imperialist should just listen to him condemning Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution.