Dave Chappelle has released a new Netflix special, The Dreamer, which is full of jokes about the trans community and disabled people.

“I love punching down!” he tells the audience, in a one-hour show that landed on the streaming service today (31 December).

It’s his seventh special for Netflix and comes two years after his last one, the highly controversial release The Closer.

That programme was criticised for its relentless jokes about the trans community, and Chappelle revisits the topic in his new show.

He tells jokes about trans women in prison, and about trans people “pretending” to be somebody they are not.

  • RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Conservatives tend to use a group of people to try and score points against leftists, liberals people NOT a part of the minority

    I’m in no way a “conservative”.

    The problem at hand isn’t “left” vs “right” in this conversation, it’s totalitarianism vs freedom to have intelligent discourse. I’m all for trans folk living however they chose, but I draw the line at attempts to censor people who express disagreement with the narrative that we must pretend that, for example, a ‘trans woman’ and a ‘woman’ are the same thing. They are not the same thing, but they are equal none the less. A ‘trans woman’ is not the same thing as ‘a man’ either, again, they are their own thing & the insistence that everyone must pretend otherwise is a form of totalitarianist behavior. It’s the pendulum swinging too far in an overcorrection. The idea that EVERYONE must define their prefered pronouns, so that a minute minority feel better about themselves is silly on its face. It’s OK to assume someone’s gender, just as much as it’s OK for that someone to correct the person assuming it. If someone who was clearly born XY wants to be called “she/her”, sure fine, but don’t get pissy & indigent if I slip up on accident. If, and we’re talking about English here, you chose something other then the two existing gendered pronouns, you need to be ready for a lot of people to be uncomfortable with that. It is bad grammar to most people’s ears, and even feels dehumanizing/insulting to many, it’s just a quirk of our language.

    Just stop all the unnecessary outrage & move on with your life already. Acceptance of transgender folk is a wonderful thing, it is a dramatic change over the last decade. And, in some cases, there’s been an over correction that cries out to be made fun of. The original “alphabet people” routine was intelligent, honest, and very much on point… and the outrage that followed only proved his point.

    You think no trans people are made to feel alienated by this?

    Here’s the thing, we are all made to feel alienated at some point or another.

    Nobody can expect NOT to feel alienated. Life isn’t fair either, people will disagree with you & dislike or even outright hate you, and you need to be strong enough to handle that, no matter who you are. You don’t just get to scream “no fair” and expect the world to protect you. If the goal is that NOBODY is to feel alienated, then you’ve already lost. That goal is unattainable, unrealistic and wholly undesirable. Utopias ALWAYS end up being distopias, for every minority group you attempt to bubble wrap you will end up alienated five more.

    The goal should be to move past those feelings of alienation, find your own power & friends and family who will support you… don’t worry so much about what other people say or do, until or unless it ACTUALLY impacts you. Dave’s comedy isn’t actually harming anyone.

    Joining a mob with pitchforks and demanding someone be deplatformed, because they hurt your feelings, is a terrible idea. This is the same tactic the right wing totalitarinists have used forever. Or are you too young to remember the PMRC & Tipper Gore going after music lyrics they didn’t like, the 1980s Satanic Panic, or all the perennial book bans… what you are asking for here, is the same thing. You & your compatriots here are no better, this is not a ‘liberal campaign’, liberalism allows for alternative viewpoints to be expressed, in fact it defents that right.

    We have a strong push towards totalitarianism going on in this country, and it is in fact coming from both sides of the isle, all the while each of these groups claims to be defending freedom.

    Don’t be that guy.

    • BrooklynMan@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      it’s totalitarianism vs freedom to have intelligent discourse

      bigotry isn’t “intelligent discourse”, and calling out bigots for their bigotry isn’t “totalitarianism."