I used to vape with a little Pulsar APX but I got tired of cleaning teeny-tiny threads and screens, and the chamber is a bit small IMO.

I picked up a Dynavap this past summer and really liked it, but those hot monster hits were starting to take their toll on my throat so I decided to give the APX another day in court.

I gave it a good cleaning and was really liking the flavor and cooler hits, but it’s an old device and still a hassle to clean so I went shopping and landed on the Lobo from POTV.

I love this thing! The chamber size is just right, flavor and vapor quality are great, the dosing capsules make cleaning mostly a non-issue, and the glass accessories are pretty nice. Having a swappable battery is a nice bonus too.

  • FrostyTrichs@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I think I’m going to buy one to try out while I wait for my warranty replacement on my Crafty+. I’ll probably get a TM2 eventually but the low cost on the Lobo makes it easier to buy as a trial and then gift it to someone if it turns out I don’t care for it.