Yes, I know what I’m asking is basically sacrilege in the ‘Soulsborne’ community but I’ve played quite a few Souls games and I am kind of over the whole ‘challenging myself’ thing. Part of the reason I was originally drawn to the Souls franchise was the difficulty but now I just want to play Fashion Souls with a cool-ass character in a cool-ass world doing cool-ass shit. The game has so much lore and such a beautiful world and just so much creativity in general that the difficulty seems like a distraction from enjoying it.

I’ve heard using summons is a good way to alleviate some of the difficulty. Are there any other effective ways?

  • Aria 🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇩
    11 months ago

    Simple, just get a mod that slashes all enemy damage done to you by half or even less.

    I’ve noticed most of the difficulty in Soulslike games comes from the fact that enemies can do quintillion billion damage in rapid succession at anytime while you’re forced to roll around all the time and can only strike when they let you; and your damage always pales in comparison to the damage they can do to you.

    If you’re going to 1-hit, 2-hit or 3-hit a player to death, what’s even the point of keeping a Life Bar? Just keep a Hit Bar instead.

    inb4 “git gud”: i beat all 3 souls games without mods so get fucked.