POLICE CHIEF Andrew Richardoff is in critical condition after an incident occurred where his penis was severed by none other than the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams. Eric Was giving a speech in front of the newly constructed precinct on the Lower East Side, next to Adams stood Chief Richardoff who was due to give a speech following Adam’s. Things went astray when the mayor stopped his speech and held onto his head for a moment with his left hand, Richardoff consoled Eric by putting his hand on his shoulder but in an instant the mayor shrank and morphed into a rat. The rat then ran up the chief’s pant legs and started gnawing at his penis, the chief was giving out loud painful screams and collapsed on the floor. The rat was then seen scurrying the scene with a bloody severed penis in its mouth as multiple police shot at it in an attempt to “get the dick back.” In doing so the police killed three and injured eleven more.

The whereabouts of the morphed mayor are unknown